Emotional and cognitive socialization outcomes


10 commandments are an example of basic human values

Bill of rights

Attitudes and morals that affect our behaviors

Change overtime

Affected by societal perceptions

In U.S. we provide help to those with emotional, social, or financial problems.

Other countries value privacy and such help is not available

Affected by personal perceptions

Put value in peers rather than parents

Values clarification

What is worthwhile?

Making decisions


Prejudice is an attitude of prejudgement

Stereotype is a fixed set of beliefs about a group

Development of attitudes

Influences on attitude development

3 phases

Phase II-orientation toward specific culturally related words

Phase III-attitudes toward various cultural attitudes

Phase I-awareness of cultural differences

Social experiences provide children with a perspective in their macrosystem

Transgender is when gender expression doesn't conform

Gender identity is the internal sense of being male or female


Parents attitudes shape their childrens attitudes


Powerful and admirable



Reinforcement and punishment

Peers and mass media



Traditions and customs

influence attitude formation

Changing attitudes about diversity

Increased positive intercultural contact

Various intercultural contact

Perceptual differentiation

Attitudes can be changed by giving children positive experinces dealing with diversity

Motives and attributions

People are motivated to achieve or compete

Intrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation

Within person

socially mediated

Locus of control

Perception of responsibility for success or failure

Learned helplessness

Achievement motivation

Also called mastery orientation

Influenced by parenting practices

Locus of control

attiribution of performance

Internal vs exernal locus of control

Internal means in control of their world

External attribute success or failure to things outside of their control

Another factor is age

Do better in school

Attribute success to good luck and failure to bad luck

Learned helplessness orienation

pawns of external circumstances

children who feel that they have no control-- infancy

Parents are non persistent

Need to praise ablities and emphasize lack of effort for failure

Self efficacy

master a situation and produce positive outcome

I can

I can't

Personal agency- actions have consequences

Experience is the most significant influence

Help, encourage, reinforce, provide instruction, provide positive models

Self esteem

value one places on one's identity

Described as high or low


Scholastic, athletic, social competence, physical appearance, and behavioral conduct

Development of self-esteem

Significance, competence, virtue, power




Warm, strict, democratic

Students with higher self esteem are more successful in school



Can be mean

Body type has a role in self esteem


Mass media

Give children ideas and attitudes about ideal body type and personality

Social networking allows for building relationships

Can attribute to lower self esteem too

Can foster self awareness
