Excerpt from Passing
"The truth was, she was curious. There were things that she wanted to ask Clare Kendry. She wished to find out about this hazardous business of "passing," this breaking away from all that was familiar and friendly to take one's chance in another environment, not entirely strange, perhaps, but certainly not entirely friendly. What, for example, one did about background, how one accounted for oneself. And how one felt when one came into contact with other Negroes. But she couldn't She was unable to think of a single question that in its context or its phrasing was not too frankly curious, if not actually impertinent."
Race: Larson is touching on the idea of race by bringing up how certain people during this time would try and "pass" as another race to gain the advantages of that race and what comes along with it. Someone who is passing may struggle with who they were before they started passing.