Anger and Frustration Management. 8th Grade Student.

Tier 2

Tier 1

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Have student take frequent breaks or activity

Clear, consistent, and predictable consequences

Praise student frequently

Acknowledging positive behavior

Avoid power struggles

Speak in calm and neutral tone

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Tier 3

Response to Intervention (RTI)

Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

Daily Behavior Form

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Teach Conflict Resolution Skills

Check In Check Out (CICO)

Behavior Contract

Teach social skills

Counselor Referral

Tier 3

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Tier 1

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LiveSchool PBIS Data tracking: LiveSchool is a great program that students can use to track their progress and points. This program can also be used as a tool to encourage students with behavior/anger management to work harder on their behavior to redeem their points for a reward.

Daily behavior tracking form: The student takes a new behavior form every day and carries it to the selected settings. Every classroom teacher completes the ratings and the initials on the form. Any additional comments can be added at the back of the form. The student reviews the form by the end of the day with the case supervisor or the school counselor. This person eventually signs their initials at the bottom of the form. This approach helps students track their behaviors and holds them accountable.


Learning Styles Profiles and Inventories 2: Using this approach will help make the learning experience more student-centered as well as using the best practices to help avoid academic frustration that might lead to anger.

Parent Questionnaire : Parents will complete this form to help know the student better.

Functional Assessment: The functional assessment will be held for staff and teachers. This assessment will help identifying the student's routines and triggers that lead to problem behavior. After gathering the data all teacher will contribute in finding all possible solutions.

Counselor referral: If the student maintains the same behavior, it is recommended to refer the student to the school counselor or a specialist.

Lack of participation. 9th Grade student

Tier 2

Tier 1

Tier 3

Tier 3

Tier 1

Praise when good attitude and involvement occur

Call on student frequently

Assign a buddy or partner

Assign a classroom job

Teach Relaxation Techniques

Peer Tutoring

Reward System

LiveSchool PBIS Data tracking: LiveSchool is a great program that students can use to track their progress and points. This program can also be used as a tool to encourage students with behavior/anger management to work harder on their behavior to redeem their points for a reward.

Daily behavior tracking form: The student takes a new behavior form every day and carries it to the selected settings. Every classroom teacher completes the ratings and the initials on the form. Any additional comments can be added at the back of the form. The student reviews the form by the end of the day with the case supervisor or the school counselor. This person eventually signs their initials at the bottom of the form. This approach helps students track their behaviors and holds them accountable.

Tier 2

Learning Styles Profiles and Inventories : Using this approach will help make the learning experience more student-centered as well as using the best practices to help avoid academic frustration that might lead to anger.

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Functional Assessment: The functional assessment will be held for staff and teachers. This assessment will help identifying the student's routines and triggers that lead to problem behavior. After gathering the data all teacher will contribute in finding all possible solutions.

Counselor referral: If the student maintains the same behavior, it is recommended to refer the student to the school counselor or a specialist.

Self Monitoring Assignment Sheet: This will help the students track their behavior which promotes ownership, increases responsibility, and encourages student to create goals for success

Non-Verbal Cues & Signals

Response to Intervention (RTI)