Close counter statement/ summary report
-Collection for a collection counter in a day
-Shows actual amount recorded by the cashier and the system amount recorded for each payment method
-Different between the actual amount and system recorded amount is shown separate column prompting the supervisors to conduct a check and investigation
-Discrepancies are usually rectified before the cashier leaves
-Unresolved discrepancies are declared reported will result in a more extended investigation .
Batch settlement report
-All NETS and credit cared transactions made at a NETS/ Credit card terminal
-Shows the date, location, number of transaction and total dollar amount
-See summary by card type on transaction which are approved or rejected
Detailed report ( Credit card terminal)
-Shows the detailed of the day’s transactions made the credit card terminal
Vendor trusts receipts
-Show details of all the cheques and cash which the department is depositing in the bank
-Cash collection is also recorded by denominations and place in the same bag which is then sealed before it is transported to the bank.
Bill cancellation report
-Shows the details of the bills that cancelled at the counter
-Cancellation due to various reason (eg omitted service, wrong patient detail)
Payment cancellation report
-Show the details of all payment that are cancelled at the counter
-Detail like counter name, location, cashier’s name transaction datils, cancellation payment mode , amount and so on are captured within the report
Supervisor’s handover confirmation
-Shows a summary of all the collection counters under the supervisor
-Report details the collection summary of each counter for the day by different payment modes
-Allow to detect unauthorised counter opened for tranactions and shows the discrepancies for the day
-All discrepancies are to be explained and adjusted before the supervisor sign off the report and hand it over to the financial/ business office