Recruiting & Business Development Hack

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16) Damage Control

15) Email

14) Face to face marketing

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13) Telephone Marketing

handling gatekeepers

prospect follow ups

stop introducing yourself at the beginning

right to the point

upfront about what you're trying to do

don't show too much ego

humbly lost but with noble mission

I'm not sure who should i talk to

i have people coming of assignment at XXX competitor

i need to get them to work

who should i speak to about that


annoying reasons

just want to see if you have question

time waster

no new value added

just want to get an update when are you gonna use our service

more effective

great candidate is available

found a great article that could add value

promotion that might save money

Do it


The pitch

The bounce out

to plot your hot spot on a map according to your niche

office environment

labour environment

don't walk out without getting a contact person

might be able to bring marketing meterial

if you are niche enough, may get a meeting with hiring manager instantly

find a straggler to

what activities are performed at the factory

gauge hiring opportunity

get names of hiring managers

find back door/loading dock to enter

use the hiring manager's name to get deeper into the facility

just go empty handed (no marketing materials) to avoid suspicion

getting yourself a tour to the facility

not to sell anything

you have people and your job is to get people working

show you are friendly and having fun but also busy and don't have much time

tell hiring manager why you are there: to help people find a job

met with any sort of negativity doesn't mean the pitch is over

initiate a body language move that instantly disarms prospects

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start turning your body away and act like
you're leaving

but keep talking and asking questions

use "by the way"

keep it brief

overly long is salesy and waste of time

might not need a sign off like "Regards"

show that you are busy and plenty on the plate


Credibility and social proof shows that you're already working with the competitors

Mentions a selling feature that may set you apart from other agencies

brevity - all relevant and useful information

outlines standardized tiered pricing - discourages negotiation

mentions your availability to come and meet in person

attach e-brochure/marketing collateral

"blame a managing director"

I owe you an appology

"blame a junior recruiter"

dealing with a no show


blame it to an imaginary junior requiter

tell that you'll handle next placement personally

you will talk to the imaginary junior requiter

blame unpopular decision to an imaginary person above you

if client knows that you can make a decision, your negotiating position is weaken

invoke "good cop bad cop"

effective for setting boundaries around negotiation while keeping the relationship intact.

constant string of excuses will make your client find new vendor

don't make a huge deal about it and fess up right away

reflects badly on you


hoop jumping test

back up candidate

buy time to asses the situation

get clients to give you the benefit of the doubt

oh no, I 'm very sorry

I hope the candidate is ok

it is not like him to no show

give me some time to figure out what happen and keep you posted

get back up candidate to get ready