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Spanish Revision? (Extra Verbs Or Key Phrases (Question Words (Por que? -…
Spanish Revision?
Extra Verbs Or Key Phrases
Tocar - To play (an instrument)
Toco - I play
Toce - I played
Tocare - I will play
Voy a tocar - I am going to play
Trabajar - To work
Trabajo - I work
Trabaje - I worked
Trabajare - I will work
Voy a trabajar - I am going to work
Visitar - To visit
Visito - I visit
Visite - I visited
Visitare - I will visit
Voy a visitar - I am going to visit
Comer - To Eat
Past Tense
Comi - I ate
Comiste - You ate
Comimos - We ate
Comio - He/She/It ate
Comisteis - Yous ate
Comieron - They ate
Future Tense
Comere - I will eat
Comeras - You will eat
Comera - He/She/It will eat
Comeremos - We will eat
Comereis - Yous will eat
Comeran - They will eat
Present Tense
Como - I eat
Comes - You eat
Come - He/She/It eats
Comemos - We eat
Comeis - Yous eat
Comen - They eat
All infinitives ending with -er follow this pattern
Escribir - To Write
Past Tense
Escribi - I wrote
Escribiste - You wrote
Escribio - He/She/It wrote
Escribimos - We wrote
Escribisteis - Yous wrote
Escribieron - They wrote
Future Tense
Escribire - I will write
Escribiras - You will write
Escribira - He/She/It will write
Escribiremos - We will write
Escribireis - Yous will write
Escribiran - They will write
Present Tense
Escribo - I write
Escribes - You write
Escribe - He/She/It writes
Escribimos - We write
Escribis - Yous write
Escriben - They write
All infinitives ending with -ir follow this pattern
Hablar - To talk
Past Tense
Hable - I talked
Hablaste - You talked
Hablo - He/She/It talked
Hablamos - We talked
Hablasteis - Yous talked
Hablaron - They talked
Future Tense
Hablare - I will talk
Hablaras - You will talk
Hablara - He/She/It will talk
Hablaremos - We will talk
Hablareis - Yous talked
Hablaran - They will talk
Present Tense
Hablo - I talk
Hablas - You talk
Habla - He/She/It talks
Hablamos - We talk
Hablais - Yous talk
Hablan - They talk
All infinitives ending with -ar follow this pattern
Vivo - I live
Me llamo - My name is
Soy - I am
Tengo - I have
Me encanta - I love
Me gusta - I like
Bailar - To dance
Fui - I went
Compre - I bought
Ver - To watch
Prefiero - I prefer
Voy - I go
Voy a ir - I am going to go
Hacer - To do
Voy a dar - I am going to give/hold
Demasiado - Too
Mucho - Much/many
Muy - Very
Poco - A bit
Mas que - More than
Menos que - Less than
Bastante - Quite
Compartir - To share
Question Words
Por que? - Why?
Cual? - Which?
Cuanto? - How many?
Donde? - Where?
Cuando? - When?
Como? - How?
Para que? - (For) what?
Quien? - Who?
Habia - It used to be
Tenia - It used to have
Era - It used to have
Hay - There is/are
Tiene - It has
Es - It is
Ayer - Yesterday
Hoy - Today
En el futuro - In the future
Deber - To owe/should/must
Debo - I should/must
Debes - You should/must
Debe - He/She/It should/must
Debemos - We should/must
Debeis - Yous should/must
Deben - They should/must
Musulman - Muslim
El idioma - Language
Aprender - To learn
Repartir - To deliver
Inutil - Useless
Agradecer - To thank
Un voluntario - a volunteer
El asombro - Amazement/surprise
Forma parte - To be a part
Healthy Eating/Lifestyle
Fumar - To smoke
Cigarillos - Cigarettes
Coca-Cola - Coke
Agua - Water
Pollo con ensalada - Chicken Salad
Pizza - Pizza
Hamburguesas - Hamburgers
Fantas de naranja - Orange Fanta
Yogur natural - Natural Yogurt
Desayune - Breakfast
La comida rapida - Fast food
Alcohol - Alcohol
Verduras - Vegetables
Sano - Healthy
La comida basura - Junk food
Bebidas azucaradas - Sugary drinks
Cerveza - Beer
Me emborracho - I get drunk
Drogas - Drugss
La salud - Health
Dolor de estomago - Stomach ache
Las patatas fritas - Chips/crisps
Carne - Meat
Asado - Roast
Azucar - Sugar
Borracho - Drunk
My Local Area & Improvements To My Area
La ciudad - City
El centro - Centre
Ruidoso/a - Noisy
Supermercado - Supermarket
Pueblo - Town
Las tiendas - Shops
La carniceria - Butchers
Una chuleta de cerdo - Pork chops
El estanco - Tobacconists
Tabaco - Tobacco
Sellos - Newspapers/stamps
La joyeria - Jewellery Store
Un collar - Necklace
Pedientes - Earrings
La jugueteria - Toy store
Una muneca - Doll
La libreria - Bookstore
Una novela - Book/novel
El mercado - markets
Fruta - Fruit
Vendura - Vegetables
Los grandes almacenes - Department store
Ropa de marca - Branded clothes
Un Bolso - Bag
La panaderia - Bakery
Una barra de pan - Bread
El papelederia - Stationery store
Un boligrafo - Pen
La pasteleria - Cake shop
Un pastel - Cake
La pescaderia - Fishmongers
Atun - Tuna
Sardinas - Sardines
La tienda de comestibles - Grocery store
Arroz - Rice
Azucar - Sugar
La zapateria - Shoes store
Unas botas - Boots
Contaminacion - Pollution/contamination
Ruido - Noise
Pobreza - Poverty
Lo bueno - The good thing
Lo malo - The bad thing
Fabricas - Factories
Vieja/nueva/moderna - Modern
Los jovenes - Youth
Una zona peatonal - Pedestrian zone
Sucio - Dirty
Limpio - Clean
Desafortunadamente - Unfortunately
El cine - Cinema
Iglesia - Church
Historico - Historical
Un puente - Bridge
La tienda solidaria/con fines benéficos - Charity shop
Vivir - To live
Norte - North
Casa - Home
Un salon - Living room
Un cuarto de baño - Bathroom
Una habitacion - Room
Un dormitorio - Bedroom
Una cocina - kitchen
Bano - Bath
Una mesa - table
La terraza - Terrace
Un armario - Cupboard
Una casa adosada - Detached house
Una casa moderna - Modern House
Las sillas - Chairs
Una cama - Bed
La ventana - Window
Una estanteria - Shelf
El jardin - Garden
Pisos - Floors
Comodo - Comfortable
Desordenado - A mess
Las persianas - Blinds
El techo - Roof
Family & Friends
Tia - Aunt
Tio - Uncle
Madre - Mum
Padre - Dad
Abuela - Grandma
Abuelo - Grandad
Hermana - Sister
Hermano - Brother
Madrastra - Step-mum
Padrastro - Step-dad
Novio - Boyfriend
Novia - Girlfriend
Friend - Amigo
Un padrino - Godfather/sponsor
Mis primos - Cousins
Hobbies & Sports - Keeping Fit
Deporte - Sport
Atletismo - Athletics
Ejercicio - Exercise
Gimnasio - Gymnastics
Una vida sana - Healthy life
El cuerpo - Body
Paseos - Walk
Mantenerse en forma - To keep fit
Nadar - To swim
Estar en forma - To be fit
Cansado - Tired
El dolor - Pain
Despertarse - To wake up
Encontrarse bien o mal - To feel good or bad
Las afueras - Outskirts
La montana - Mountains
Flores - Flowers
El campo - Countryside
La zona - Zone
Bonita - Pretty
Tranquila - Quiet
El rio - River
TV & Film
Una películas - film/movie
Una peliculas de terror - horror movie
Una peliculas ciencias ficcion - sci-fi
Una peliculas de romantica - romance movie
Los dibujos animados - animation/cartoon
Coche - Car
La calefaccion - Heating
Los ventiladores unicamente - Fans
Placas solares - Solar Panels
El aceite - Oil
Espana - Spain
Vacaciones - Holiday
Francia - France
Viaje - The trip
Campamento de verano - Summer camp