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Cardiology - Heart Sounds and Murmurs (*Murmurs and Gallops (dropped image…
Cardiology - Heart Sounds and Murmurs
*Murmurs and Gallops
Murmur Mnemonics
= A Split Defect
--> splitting of the S2 = A2/P2 heart sound
= VERY SounD (loud)
--> holosystolic loud on left lower sternal border
AR you gonna BLOW me?
= Aortic Regurge or MV Regurge
--> "blowing murmur" means it is REGURGE
PDA = patent ductus arteriosis
--> "machine like murmur"
Systolic Murmurs
Systolic Murmurs
Aortic Stenosis and Mitral Valve Prolapse big ones
Tricupsid Regurge with IV drug users
*Tricuspid Regurgitation
Wanna TRI some drugs?
---> IV drug users affect right side of the heart
secondary to decompensated heart failure and dilatation of papillary muscles
--> pull the valve open
IV Drug Users and Tricuspid Valve Disease
Wanna TRI some drugs? ---> IV drug users affect right side of the heart
Loud Holosystolic Murmur
cause = VSD
heard over the lower left sternal border
VSD and Loud Holosystolic Murmur
Clinical Case
note that VSD = ventricular septal defect has a loud systolic murmor heard over the left lower sternal border
this makes sense as each systole there is a loud rumbe of blood that goes through the left to right ventricles
compare this to the splitting of S2 heard in ASD, more to do with the blood volume
Normal Blood Oxygen levels in the chambers of the heart
*Aortic Stensois
3 common types and causes
1 = congenital = bicuspid valve (with calcification)
2 = Rheumatic heart Disease = RHD (M > A >T order of valves affected)
3 = calcification from aging --> necrosis of endocardium --> calcified fibrosis
Epidemiology of Aortic Stenosis
worldwide vs western countries
note that most cases of AS worldwide are from RHD
= but in Western countries most common is Calcification of oth bicuspid and aging valves
Calcified Aortic Valve Disease
most common cause of aortic stenosis
happens average age = 60 years old
note that calcification of aortic valve that causes aortic stenosis is the same process that causes atherosclerotic plaques
there is the same cause of turbulent flow, smoking, and mechanical damage
these allow FFAs and cholesterol to enter the endothelium
inflammation with inflammatory cells causes remodelling
here fibroblasts turn into osteoblast like cells and lay down bone extracellular matrix
--> calcification of the valves
Aortic Stenosis + A Fib = Sudden Heart Failure
reduced filling of the LV gives HF
need cardioversion
Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease
leads to aortic stenosis in >50% of patients
average onset of A stenosis = 50 (10 years earlier)
*Mitral Regurgitation and Prolapse = MVP
"RHEUMitral Regurge FEVERS / rhD"
--> RHD and R Fever cause MAT regurge, then chronic stenosis
*MVP = Mitral Valve Prolapse
"MVP players need to CLICK to win"
--> MVP has a midsystolic CLICK
--> the faster the onset of the click, the worse the MVP
MVP CLICK = chords are too loose and suddenly pulled tight
--> think of MVP as the chords are flopping in the wind
--> better if the LV is more full of blood to hold them tight
--> get MVP if there is LV hypertrophy since there is less space in the LV and the chords are too loose
MVP is better on Squatting
--> increased Venous return
--> expands the LV and pulls chords tight
*Mitral Regurgitation and Prolapse = MVP
"RHEUMitral Regurge FEVERS / rhD"
--> RHD and R Fever cause MAT regurge, then chronic stenosis
Hemodynamics of MR
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Clinical cases
Clinical Case
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Mitral Regurge secondary to Decpmpensated Dilated HF
Secondary since the dilataion of the left ventricle causes the papillary muscles holding the valve in place to be pulle open
Causes of Rheumitral Regurge
think of the valve in terms of 4 parts
1 = annulus = outer ring of the valves in the left atrium
2 = valve leaflets
--> RHD and R fever
3 = chordae tendinae
--> can rupture post 3-5 days MI
4 = MV papillary muscles
--> can be affected by ischemia from MI
*Mitral Regurgitation
"RHEUMitral Regurge FEVERS / rhD"
RHEUMitral Regurge
= RHD and R Fever cause MAT regurge, then chronic stenosis
= Mitral regurge and VSD same
--> holosystolic murmur
Diastolic Murmurs
Diastolic Murmurs
think Diastolioc = morning = AM
Aortic Regurgitation
Mitral Stenosis
note that BOTH diastolic murmurs MS and ARegurge START with a decrescendo
go by the shape of the Letter
--> A sideways = Decrescendo ONLY
--> M has two humps = EXACT same M shape
*Aortic Regurgitation
Decrescendo Diastolic murmur
"AR you gonna BLOW me with a BOBBING head??"
Aortic stenosis is crescendo descredo big A
Regurge is a sideward A = Decrescendo
CLinical Caes
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Wide Pulse pressure and heart pressures
systolic increases
--> due to regurge and higher ESV for the next pump
diastolic decreases due to regurge of blood back into the heart quickly
viscious cycle
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Clinical Cases
A regurge case
Clinical Case
note that
Chronic Aortic Regurge
very high blood volume return back into the LV after each stroke = up to 50%
leads to dilated cardiomyopathy to compensate for the high blood volume
this adaptation is able to compensate with a higher SV for a while
but leads to LV HF eventually
"AR you gonna BLOW me with a BOBBING head??"
= Aortic Regurge
= blowing murmur in AR
Bobbing head
= Aortic Regurge has bobbing head with heart beat = Musset's SIgn
*Mitral Stenosis
Openning Snap / loud S1 (MV closing)
99% of MV stenosis are from RHD
--> note they can appear 10 -20 years after initial Rheumatic Fever = chronic RHD
--> mitral regurge is often the acute murmur
Micro SOFT new OS = opening snap
OS tells you the severity of MS
--> faster the OS the worse the left atrium enlargement and worse MS
Clinical Cases
Clinical Case
note that
Clinical Case
Tetralogy case
Clinical Case
note that
"hihg frequency sound in Mitral Stenosis = OS"
chronic RHD causes fibrous thickening of the MV and then fusion of the leaflets
Clinical Cases
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Added Heart Sounds / Gallops
*Gallops = Added heart Sound s3 and s4
S3 = right after S2
--> volume overload during rapid atrial --> ventricle filling
--> normal in kids, young people and pregnant women
S4 = very end of diastole / before the S1 heart sound
--> final atrial kick against a stiffened LV
--> ALWAYS pathological where s3 can be normal
Clinical S3 and s4 added sounds
always check for gallops = s3 and s4 after all valves
postion patient = left decubitis position
have them expire out all their air
use bell of stethoscope at the apex
--> 5 ICS MCL
s3 Gallop / Added heart Sound
S3 = right after S2
--> volume overload during rapid atrial --> ventricle filling
--> normal in kids, young people and pregnant women
Clinical Cases
Clinical Case
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s4 Gallop / Added heart Sound
S4 = very end of diastole / before the S1 heart sound
--> final atrial kick against a stiffened LV
--> ALWAYS pathological where s3 can be normal
Clinical Cases
Clinical Case
Clinical Case
note that
Clinical Case
note that
Clinical Case
Other Heart Sounds/Murmurs
Continuous Murmurs
"Machine-like Murmur"
*PDA = patent ductus arteriosis
present at birth, but normally closes within 1-3 days of life
= public Displays of Affection rules!
--> PDA has machine -like murmur
*Split S2 Heart sound
S2 heart sound = A2 + P2
think aorta has more pressure so closes first
due to high venous return to right atrium and right side of heart (ASD + valsava / deep inspiration)
Common Causes of Split S2 heart sound
intermittent split S2 = normal
--> on inspiration = temporary split S2
--> increase in thoracic pressure increases the venous return to the right side of the heart
--> forces pulmonary valve to stay open longer
--> temporary split S2
fixed split S2 = pathological
--> ASD = atrial septal defect
Paradoxical Split S2
left bundle branch block = LBBB
Manouvers with Murmurs
*Manouvers with Murmurs
Increasing Afterload for Murmurs
2 ways = squatting and Handgrip
HandGrip = increase afterload ONLY
squatting = increases BOTH afterload and Preload to the heart
--> classic improvement for Tetralogy of Fallot
Hand Grip = Increase Afterload
pushes everything back from the aorta --> ventricle
--> Aortic regurge
--> mitral valve regurge
--> VSD
from here determine by location (aorta vs. mitral)
Handgrip case
note that
Clinical Case
Effects of Preload on Aortic Stenosis vs HOCM
*Valsalva Manouver
decreases preload
same as standing
In valsalva you can see the changes in the aorta pressure in 3 separate humps
--> the heart mirrors this
first big hump = instant increase in intrathoracic pressure
--> increase aorta pressure
then lower PRELOAD = main effect
--> large decrease in aorta pressure
small hump = from HR increase
small dip from letting go of pressure on aorta after vasalva done
large hump = CO returning to normal as preload increases
*Inspiration and Expiration Manouver
RINspiration and LEXpiration
RINspiration increase right sided murmurs
-LEXpiration increases left sided murmurs
--> right sided murmurs increase
inspiration decreases intrathoracic pressure
--> venous return to right side increases
--> since vena cava is large and pressure difference = higher flow
the pulmonary veins are the opposite with low pressure since they have excess arteries and veins that will fill if needed
--> as pressure decreases, this allows more blood to pool in the pulmonary system
--> less return to the left side of the heart
--> left sided murmurs increase
Clinical Cases
Clinical Case
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*Squatting Manouver
increases preload and afterload
increased preload is most important though
--> Preload = squatting and leg raise are almost the same
"Squatting DOWN with 2 legs"
--> Squatting major preload effect and minor afterload effect good for differentiating 2 key things
--> normally increased preload = LV volume dilation = increases MOST murmurs
--> TOF MVP HOCM athletes are both QUIET on squatting
--> Squatting = increase preload = LV dilation
--> LV dilation helps HOCM by openning the outflow obstruction from the SEPTAL thichenning
--> LV dilation helps MVP by pulling the loose chords tight
--> in TOF mainly AFTERLOAD increase from squatting closes the Aortic valve and opens the stenotic pulmonary valve
Summary of Heart Valve *Manouvers
3 basic types of Manouvers
--> preload, afterload and Breathing (RINspiration and LEXpiration)
= think of upper vs. lower body manouvers
--> standing up vs. squatting down
--> valsalva vs. leg raise
= LOWER body manouvers
--> squatting down and LEG raise
--> increases preload to BOTH right and left heart
--> squatting minor effect = increases afterload to left heart
= UPPER body manouvers
--> standing up and VALSALVA
--> decreases preload to BOTH right and left heart
= Simplest test = Hand grip manouver
--> isolated muscles in hands contracting
--> exercise increases afterload to LEFT heart
Breathing in / out
= think of RINspiration vs LEXpiration
= RINspiration increases RIGHT sided murmors
= LEXpiration increases LEFT sided murmors
--> think of
LEX luther
from Superman
*Normal Heart Sounds
What to look for
1 - look at the aorta line max and min to see systolic and diastolic pressures ~ 120 and 80
--> If not, wide pulse pressure = aortic regurge
2 - look for dichrotic notch = when the aortic valve closes
--> if not present then aortic regurge
3 - look to see LV and aorta match during systole
4 - look at pressures for left atrium and shape opposite to aorta/ventricle
--> if both raising at same time = mitral regurge