Pre-Assessment for Differentiation
High Knowledge Students (5)
Moderate Knowledge Students (12)
Limited Knowledge Students (5)
10 question pre-assessment quiz on migration & disease
Continuous Unit Assessments
How does bacteria spread?
What is a bacteria?
How do you treat a virus? How do you treat a bacteria?
What is a virus?
Are certain countries better equipped to deal with disease or are all countries able to address disease equally? Why?
What factors aid in viruses spreading? (List 3)
How does a virus spread?
What factors aid in bacterias spreading? (List 3)
What is a disease vector?
Are migration and disease spread related? If so, how?
Carefully review foundation topics and knowledge with the teacher
Have students test each other about their own knowledge - this helps to identify areas that individuals are struggling with need to focus on and allows them to see growth as well
Get students involved in interactive activities that focus on peer interactions and learning activities rather than solely reading and writing activities. This way you avoid testing purely language skills, but ensure students are building concept knowledge
Smaller group and partner activities allow the students a safer space in which to learn and practice skills, such as language acquisition, and allows the teacher a greater ability to effectively work with and guide struggling ELL or special needs students who need more support
These students already have a basic understanding of concepts and need challenges that push them to apply their knowledge and build their own inferences
These students still may require some support, but likely will learn well with and from their peers through interactive activities that force them to think creatively about the concepts they are learning
Students will participate in activities that utilize their current knowledge base to help them solve problems, but also introduce some new concepts that challenge their thinking
These students already bring a good amount of knowledge to the class and require activities that challenge them to apply that knowledge in new ways
Students will participate in simulation like games in which they utilize the knowledge they already have to make educated decisions, but also encounter new problems in which they must use the information available to them to make smart, logical decisions
Mid-unit quiz
This quiz will be very similar in terms of the types of questions asked in the pre-quiz, as this will allow the teacher to see how students have progressed in their knowledge and understanding and ability to synthesize information
Task Cards
Task cards will be used almost daily in class on an individual, paired or small group basis depending on the task involved. These will be quick, interactive activities for students to demonstrate their knowledge in a formative way
End of Week Reflections
End of week reflections are a short form that each student will fill out that allows them to let the teacher know confidentially one concept or topic they learned that week that the student feels they have a very strong understanding of, and one concept or topic that the student feels they are the least confident about. This will allow the teacher to see if there are gaps on understanding and to pair students up in the future that can help each other understand different concepts