Moriori Language App
People coming on the marae
Easy Use
Doesn't take too much space on phone
FREE for users
HMT owned
A place for them to come back to learn
PRIMARY : Members - in touch with their beautiful langauge
Not maori-like, distinctive and unique
Unique emoticons (momori)
Give feedback after using app
Want more funding to fund future language ventures
SECONDARY - Moriori People
OTHER : Anyone who is interested in the culture/language
Demographic comprehensive - young people, old people, technology illiterate people, etc.
Look at WORK SAFE APP (link provided)
Visiting app for knowledge, to learn
A place that feels comfortable to learn
Access from home - getting ready to travel to Chathams
Access from work : knowing to prep for an upcoming karakii or pepeha
Access from home : wanting to learn their language
notifications - keep users accountable and encourage a learning schedule
audio cues to help
key contact til October : Susan
Ability to keep growing - more content to add
Look at WORKSAFE APP for order of importance - what is displayed first and figure out what's best for us
Goal is for users to use it daily - more often in the first three months. Will need to add content and features to keep users engaged after the early learning period
How do we build incentives in the app?
How do we add game-like elements that'll help users return? (e.g. snapchat streaks feature)
How do we build in features that creates relationships with its users, keep users accountable in their learning journey, a friend and helper in their learning journey
Terms and Conditions to be made post app build
HMT to provide ALL content
Marketing decided down the track, new lady starting with HMT in October
How can all media mediums be effectively used to promote this app and the language moving forward
to be an entity down the track?
any other tools to support the app down the track?
Deadlines - AUG male recording, ASAP for app builds, ANDROID to be completed first, IOS second
No issues identified with the process of building the app