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messianic prophesy ((7 old testament Psalm 2:6 - “ for the Lord declares I…
messianic prophesy
7 old testament Psalm 2:6 - “ for the Lord declares I have placed my chosen King on the throne in Jerusalem, on my holy mountain.”
“ look your king is coming He his righteous and humble and virtuous riding on a donkey, riding on a donkey's colt. “
“The prophets was confirmed, the two disciples did as jesus commanded they brought they brought the donkey to him. ”
Mark 11:7-11” then they brought the colt to jesus and thru there garments over it and he sat on it ” new testament tells of the prophecy coming true when jesus the king was brought in by a donkey.
8 old testament Psalm 118:22-23 “the stone the builders have rejected has now become the cornerstone ”
8 new testament Matthew 21:42-43 “ if you have faith you will receive it, as he was preaching the priest accused him by what means do you have the authority to do all these things ”
6 Old testament Psalm 78:2-4 “for i will speak to you in parables ill will tell you hidden truths we will hide the truth from our chilldren ”
6 New testament Matthew 13:10-15, 34-35 “why do you speak to us in parables? You are permitted to understand the secrets”
Kings will show up to worship. This even happened in the new testament when jesus was born and the wise men came and brought him gifts.
4 old testament isaiah 9:1-7 “there will be a time in the future where gallie will be filled with glory ”
Jesus is called God's son when baptized. This is displayed in the new testament when God sends down the holy spirit in the form of a dove and calls jesus his son.
12 Matthew 27:9-10 “they took the thirty prices of silver the price he was valued by the people of israel”
Again here in the new testament this is coming true when judas come to the high priest and is offered thirty pieces for the betrayal of jesus.
11 Old testament Zechariah 11:12-13 “if you like, give me my wages whatever i am worth. And the gave him thirty pieces”
Tis was speaking of the worth jesus was to his nation when judas was paid thirty pieces the saugh tout ways to betray him.
10 old testament Psalm 41:9 “even my best friend the one i shared my food with has turend against me”
Matthew 26:14-16 “judas went to one of the high priests and asked how much will you pay me to betray Jesus”
The prophets spoke of the time to come when judas who was one of the lead disciples of Jesus would betray him.
The gave jesus bitter wine and this fulfilled the prophecies that the treated him curly with this method.
17 old testament Isaiah 53:12 “because he expose himself to death he was counted among the rebels he bore the sins of many”
17newtestamnet Matthew 27:38 “two revolutionaries were crucified beside him one onthe left one on the right”
The prophets spoke of a man who was to be killed amongst the rebelles and this is proven to be correct when Jesus is crucified with two criminals on either side of him.
18 old testament Psalm 69:21 “but instead the offer me point or food the give me bitter wine for thirst”
18 new testament Matthew 27:34 “the soldiers gave jesus wine mixed with butter gall but when he had tasted it he had refused to drink it.”
19 New testament John 20:25-27 “I won't believe tell i have seen the nail scarred hands and put my fingers through them, and place my hand into the wound in his side”
They have little faith even through the scriptures in the past said they'd look upon him whom they wounded in disbelief and Jesus himself said that he would raise from the dead. But the did not have this faith in knowing unless they were to see his hands for themselves.
16 new testament John 15:23-25 “they have seen everything I did and yet they still hate me and my father this fuufiles what is written in their scriptures ‘ they hated me without cause’ ”
Jesusu speaks of that people will hate hima and this is fotold when he says that people hate him and his father despite the work they do with healing.
Matthew 27:26-31 “and spit on him and grabbed a stick and hit him on the head with it… when they were finally done mocking him he took off the rob and led him to be crucified”
The phrotes sopek of him being treated harshly and unfairly with no guilt, and this happened to jesus on his crucifiction day.
Matthew 26:62-27:14 “I demand in the name of the living god tell us if you are the messiah or not” here it is comparing jesus to the lamb as the old testament does many times and as a lamb jesus when being accused did not open his mouth to speak a word in his defence.
Matthew 26:59-60 “but even though they found many who agreed to give false witness the could not find anyone to give testimony ”
The relation here is that jesus did none of the crimes he was accused of doing and why the priest could not find anyone to give true testimony against him.
9 New testament Matthew 21:16 “then they asked jesus don't you understand what these children are saying? Jesusu said haven't you heard the scriptures? “You have taught infants and children to bring you praise”
Jese is reciting the words of the prophets by reminding them that children bring glory to God as well.
Jesus will be a prophet
Described it as a prophet. They showed this by reciting the words of the old prophets prophesying of jesus coming.