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Hypocrisy (Nifaq)
Hypocrisy means pretending to be a believer while disbelieving inwardly
Major hypocrisy is known as hypocrisy in the presence of the Muslims and pretending to be one of them, while harboring disbelief inwardly.
Minor hypocrisy: Is known as hypocrisy of action. This is to have traits of hypocrisy. This kind does not remove one from the fold of Islam. But its perpetrator deserves a stern warning and threat.
Ascribing partners to Allah)
It is the greatest sin by which Allah is disobeyed
“Verily Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him (in worship)
but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He wills” (An-Nisa:48)
Major Shirk - This is to dedicate any of the acts of worship to others along with Allah.The perpetrator of this kind of shirk will abide forever in hell.
Shirk in supplication – a person supplicates to others beside Allah – he considered has committed major shirk
Shirk in worship – This is when a person dedicates any of the acts of worship to others beside Allah like circumambulation around idol or a grave or slaughtering animals for others beside Allah.
Shirk in intercession – If a person puts intercessors between him and Allah with a belief that they will bring nearer to Allah he has committed major shirk.
Minor Shirk - This kind of shirk does not remove its perpetrator from the fold of Islam. It only diminishes his belief in tawhid . It might also lead in the long run to major shirk.
Example of minor shirk is showing off in acts of worship which means that a person does something so that people will see it, not for the sake of Allah.
An example of that is a man who has a hundred ringgit, and gives fifty of them in charity for the sake of Allah with a sound intention, then he gives fifty in charity for the purpose of showing off..”
Apostasy (Murtad)
A murtad is anyone who leaves Islam and become traitors to it through their beliefs and actions.
Type of Murtad
Murtad Fitri - a person who is born as a Muslim parent and then he rejects Islam. Murtad Fitri implies that the person has apostate from the faith in which he was born.
Murtad Milli - a person who converted to Islam and then later on he rejects Islam. Milli is from millat which means religion. Murtad Milli implies that the person has apostate from his religion and the Muslim community
Factors lead to apostasy
Not getting sufficient Islamic teachings. They feel that Islam gives freedom to come out and embrace any religion they love.
Due to the lack of parents' attentiveness, the children are looking for fun outside and they are friends with people who are morally upset that there is a social problem.
Due to poverty. it happens when someone is willing to help with the condition they are willing to leave Islam.
a new brother who embraced Islam who was not well guided by letting him alone until he considered Islam and other religions to be equally absent.
Due to being influenced by the deviant teachings which deviate from the Islamic creed. examples assume their teachers as gods, worship teachers and claim that the Prophet brought false and incomplete teachings
Kufr is disbelieving in Allah and His Messenger whether the disbelief is associated with denial or not, rather with doubts, suspicion, aversion, jealousy, arrogance or following some whims which deters from adhering to the message.
Type of Kufr
Kufr “inad – Disbelief out of stubborness. This applies to someone who know the truth and admits to knowing the truth with his tongue but refuses to acceptc it and refrain from making a declaration
Kufr Inkar – Disbelief out of denial. This applies to someone who denies with bothheart and tongue.
Kufr Kibr – Disbelief out of arrogance and pride. The disbelief by the devils (iblis).
Kufr Juhud – Disbelief out of rejection . This applies to someone who acknowledge the truth in his heart but rejects its with his tongue. This type of kufr is applicable to those who calls themselves Muslim but who reject any necessary and accepted norms of Islam such as solat and zakat
Kufr Nifaq – Disbelief out of hypocrisy – This applies to someone who pretends to be a muslim but conceals his disbelief. Such person is called Munafiq.
Kufr Istihlal – Disbelief out of trying to make haram into halal. This applies to someone who accepts as lawful (halal) that Allah has made unlawful (haram) like alcohol, etc. Only Allah has the prerogative to make things halal and haram and those who seek to interfere with His right are like rivals to Him and therefore fall into kufr
Kufr Istihza’ – Disbelief due to mockery and derision
Kufr Istibdal – Disbelief due to trying to subtitude Allah’s law.
Sihir is something that one does to bring himself closer to the jinn and the devil. Sihir is a subtle evil act through the help of jinn or demons to harm or mislead people
Type of Sihir
Separating husband and wife relationships - such as giving rise to boredom, hate, temperate heat and bring fights and divorce.
Sihir for love - this kind of magic when exposed to one can cause a deep sense of longing to get carried away in his dream.This kind of sihir is often used to get the love of an unrequited person
Sihir to deceive people's views - usually done by magicians
Sihir makes people crazy - people who are affected by this magic will always be depressed, forgetting, swaying in talking, unmoved soul. It looks like an insane person
Sihir of illness - the person affected by this magic will experience pain in the body, paralysis and so on.
Sometimes people affected by this magic will be attacked by a sudden illness and when taken to hospital and doctor can not detect the cause of the illness
Factors lead to sihir
Feelings of revenge on others
feelings about other
people's advantages such as
in business, career, and so on
Hate feelings toward others
Bid’ah is taken from the word Al-Bada’ meaning to create something without precedence.
Literally Bid’ah means innovation,
Technically it means carrying out actions which displease Allah and His messenger.
Type of Bid'ah
Bid’ah Hasana - refers to the good innovation which is not against Qur’an and Sunnah.
2.Bid’ah Say’iah. - refers to the bad innovation where it is oppose Qur’an and Sunnah .