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Unit 3: Impact of the new deal and the second world war on the USA to 1945
Unit 3: Impact of the new deal and the second world war on the USA to 1945
The new deal and the economy
Impact on unemployment
Unemployment halved from 1933 to 1939. From 16 million to 8 million.
The roosevelt recession made this worse as it resulted in an increase of unemployment by 2 million bringing it to 10 million people unemployed.
Impact of alphabet agencies
The alphabet agencies were seen as 'pump-primers' meaning they would pump money into the economy to give it that initial boost that would then later on be continued by the public.
They provided a large amount of temporary jobs
The PWA employment rate fell by 15% when they hit the recession.
Roosevelt recession
This was where Roosevelt's advisers stated that cut backs should not be made until the private sector had expanded further. He ignored them.
He made cuts of $66 million
This caused unemployment to rise to 10 million
The impact of the new deal on the nation infrastructure
TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority): This provided electricity to rural areas and built dams to prevent flooding. These damms assisted in providing power.
Public works by alphabet agencies:The PWA funded 35,000 public works projects.
Public works in rural areas: This included alphabet agencies such as the CCC
National infrastructure: This meant creating work for the public by improving the country. For example by making new roads, schools and hospitals.This meant the government financing $10 billion in loans for public works(this was 66% of emergency funding).
The impact of the new deal on women
Women in government: Eleanor Roosevelt (the first lady) she was an unofficial member of FDR's advisory team alongside this she ran 348 press conferences. Francis Perkins was the first women cabinet minister.
Effects of new deal legislation on women: One example is the Economy Act which forbade two people from the same family working for the federal government this resulted in the government firing mainly women. 75% fired were women.
Reuther's plan 1940: This was the plan to convert factories to war production.
The new deal years: From 1930-40 the percentage of women in work rose by 1% demonstrating the very little positive impact or change it had for women. They benefited from the CCC (Civilian Corps camps) nicknamed 'she she she camps'.
Impact of war on the USA
The impact of the war on black americans
Contribution to war effort
Black experienced no segregation in europe
A key part of allied propaganda focused on the fight against racism
Black servicemen became heroes for example Lt Woodrow Cricket
Many servicemen were attacked out of fear of being dangerous because of their training.
Unemployment decreased for black americans by 16% from 1940 to 45. However this highlighted the poor working conditions they experienced and the low pay.
The number of black americans attending college tripled
4000 black americans in the military only 12 were officers in 1941. Those serving rose to 1.2 million in 1945.
Race riots of 1943: Riots over the shortage on housing which was segregated lead to 34 deaths.
The impact of the fair employment practices commission
Government action to prevent discrimination: The Fair Employment Practices Commission was set up to enforce Executive Order 8802 which outlawed discrimination.
War Labour Board was set up to settle disputes within industries to prevent any bad effects on the war effect a key point of this was equal pay for equal work regardless of gender or race.
The impact of the new deal on black americans
The reason for the shift
Sympathy from works administrators which encouraged them to join PWA.
Eleanor Roosevelt opposed racism
The new deal resulted in employment of the black population increasing by 300%
The new deal for the black americans
Huge migration of black people from south to north
At the start of the new deal large amounts of southern states still had legal segregation.
200,000 black people were employed under the CCC. However they excluded farmers.
The impact of the new deal and war on hispanic americans
Social and cultural changes
The changing position of black Americans
Secure these rights: This was a document Truman put together which released the following information: over 300 lynchings in southern states between 1882-1945 and only 6 in 1946. There was widespread police brutality. There were limiting voting rights for black americans due to Jim Crow laws making it so that only 18% of black americans could vote.
There was the idea of 'separate but equal' it didn't matter that there was segregation because everyone still got the same things however this was not actually the case. For example education for black students was at a lower standard to that of all white schools.
Truman's actions: Executive order 9981 began the desegregation of the military. However this was not fully achieved until the 1960s
Truman's actions: Executive order 9980 guaranteed no discrimination from federal services.
Truman's actions: The federal housing committee built more homes in deprived areas. However demolition of poor quality housing actually reduced housing for availability for black americans.
Brown Vs Board of education: This was where it was ruled unconstitutional under the 14th amendment and ordered the desegregation of schools. This was brought to school because of a little girl who had to take long journeys to school because her nearest school was an all white school. Brown 2 set a deadline for schools to desegregate as schools were not desegregating because there was no deadline for it to be done.
The war and the economy 1941-5
The impact of the new deal and war on native americans
The sate of the US economy 1940
Unemployment was at 8.1 million
Trade union membership increased in 1930 from 3.4 million to 8.7 million in 1940.
The number of 17 year olds graduating high school rose to 50.8%.
There were 300 more colleges and universities due to federal funding.
Wartime domestic propganda