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Learning and Development (Learning and Development (Training design
Learning and Development
Learning and Development
Organisational development and change management
when it comes to growth you have to be deliberate about how you manage organizational changes
OD is a systematic approach to change that identifies barriers to organizational effectiveness and uses structured interventions to reduce the impact of those barriers. OD focuses on the entire organization, including its people, processes, and structures.
OD practitioners may ask to analyze a company's current state are:
- What will increase the effectiveness of our people, products, and processes?
- How do we measure the OD intervention to validate if it worked?
- How will the changes be sustained?
Releasing, promoting, and hiring employees are all part of the employee relations, risk management, and talent acquisition aspects of HR.
HR acts as change agents in the change management process. There are multiple change management models available HR leaders can use based on the organization's philosophy around managing change.
Social psychologist Kurt Lewin established the most widely accepted change management model.
The stages are
- unfreezing the current state,
- moving towards the future state
- refreezing the new state.
Change management model.pdf
Coaching and mentoring
Effective coaching stays focused on the
needs of the employee.
Coaching is used to diagnose
and resolve a known problem.
short-term goals
Long-term goals
Usually an employee seeks out a mentor,
and sets the agenda in terms of
what they will be working on together.
Training effectiveness
Milton Friedman said, "One of the great mistakes "is to judge policies and programs by their intentions, "rather than their results."
The most commonly used measurement model is the Kirkpatrick model.
includes 4 levels:
- reaction: whether the learners found the information useful
- learning: whether participants improved their knowledge, skills, and attitudes because of training. You can measure learning by comparing pre-training test scores to post-training test scores
- behavior: whether learners changed their behavior when they go back to their work areas because of the training they received. Behavior can be measured using on-the-job observation, feedback from customers, peers, other employees, managers, or a self-assessment questionnaire
- results: whether your organization benefits from the training the employee received. This is demonstrated through increased productivity, efficiency, and sales. Results can be measured by reviewing financial reports or performing regular quality inspections.
Training design
Motivation theories
To maximize training effectiveness
use Facilitation Techniques.pdf
The role of the facilitator is to guide the session,
keep the session moving and foster collaboration among participants.
- set the agenda
- manage group dynamic
- synthesizes themes and trends
- builds consensus
Assessment instructional designers set out to create training options for employees, they first
- analyze the data gathered
- design the training
- develop the curriculum
- implement the training
- evaluate
Acquired Needs Theory
states that employees are motivated by
- achievement
- affiliation
- power.
Maslow needs theory
suggesting that certain basic needs like food and shelter must be met before employees can focus on higher level needs like self actualization.
Motivation-Hygiene Theory
the idea that people have both
- extrinsic or hygiene factors - employees to have a positive work conditions to have good attitude about their jobs, if not, they are demotivated. Like company policies, salary, relationship with peers. If these conditions are positive they might not motivated employee to do their job.
- intrinsic or motivation factors that need to be fulfilled. Refers to personal growth or achievement.
5 characteristic affect 3 phychological states: or mindsets
- experienced meaningfulness
- experienced responsibility for outcomes
- knowledge of the actual results
Job Characteristics Model
states that employee motivation is linked to the task itself rather than any internal or external factorsFive Core Job characteristics:
- Skill variety
- Tasks variety
- Task significance
- Autonomy
- Feedback
Elton Mayo tested Taylor's theory and found that when management paid attention to human needs, workers performed better, this became known as the Hawthorne Effect
Scientific management
Frederick Taylor introduced scientific management, his theory was that there was one best way to do a job efficiently and he placed no value in the needs of employees.
Adult learners
Andragogy is a science of how adults learn
Adults are:
- Independent
- self-directed
- use life experience to reinforce learning
Cultural aspects
When you design training it is important
to consider.
- implicit biases
- know your audience
- room set up options
Training methods:
- Passive training is good for Visual learners
(videos, lectures- require a little interaction)
- Active training is good for listeners(autitory),
includes interactive facilitation, case studies,
Q&A, simulations
- Experiential training is good for kinesthetic learners,
involves practicing a skill.
Learning styles:
- Auditory (hears the best):
dialog, audio presentation
- Visual (see): nonverbal clues,
charts, graphs, visual aids
- Kinesthetic (hands-on): physical
interaction with a training,
they need practical learning approach
Professional growth
Employees are the greatest company asset.
They bring the creativity and innovation needed to keep a company competitive.
It only makes sense to invest in the asset
that will bring you the most returns.Investing in Professional development helps:
- attract talents
- succession planning preparing
employees for future promotions
- keeps an employee engaged
(gives 30% more productivity,
work more efficiently, make fewer errors
improves employee retention
87% millennials noted this as important )
**Replacement a salaried employee
costs 6-9-month in salary**
Career development
"Ability to learn and
to translate it into actions
rapidly is a competitive
advantage" - Jack Welch
Talent Management
Holistic strategy:
- Career pathing
- Mentorship
- Leadership development
Development opportunities:
- training classes
- in-the-job training
- job shadowing
A Mentor is a trusted advisor
that provides support and wisdom.
Has a long-term relationship with a mentee.
He focused on growth and development
A Coach works with an employee a short-term
on a specific area of improvement.
Performance appraisal is
formal review twice per year
But companies are seeking
creative ways to make it better
- provide feedback through the project
Career pathing is determining which way do you wanna take
your career. Its a shared responsibility of employer and employee.
HR has to inform an employee
- Performance expectations
- Performance appraisal-
how they are measuring
against these expectations
- what employment opportunities are
available within the organization