Thanksgiving 2019 with Mom and Dad
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Chris (my brother), Stephanie (his wife), Roseileen (their 2yo daughter, and Baby #2 (not born yet) Attend
Stephanie (My wife, not my brother's wife, yes they are both named Stephanie) and I attend
Mom, Dad and Kassandra (my cousin, who lives with my parents) are well enough to attend
They bring everything that Rosie and BB#2 need for the night, and next morning
They both take off time from work to attend
They bring (or make) the singular desert Item I ask them to bring
Steph and I bring all of the ingredients to make cornbread stuffing, roast turkey breast two ways, mash potatoes, a fresh cranberry sauce, and makings for a salad. As well as disposable cookware for all oven based entrees.
There is an organic Turkey available at New Seasons, humanely raised, never frozen, these are what my wife prefers, she will not buy any other turkey
There is a farm where Organic, humanely raise turkeys are bred close enough that un-frozen transportation methods are available
We are able to procure all the other ingredients without incident, higher cost, or shortage, due to having an abundance of grocery stores where we live
There are disposable cookware options available to us, such as aluminum baking sheets/roasting pans, along with traditional aluminum foil as well
Stephanie and I are able to take of time from work to attend
There are easily transportable/disposable baby products, allowing them to travel and keep their children's hygiene and food consumption regimented
They have a grocery story that carries either a pre-made desert, made by someone else, or the ingredients for them to make the desert themselves.
The house we like at Wallowa Lake, OR is available to rent
There was a Person/company who was able to construct this house that we have been staying in for over 20 years
They Owner hasn't sold it/taken if off of the available rentals listings
The weather in (and on the way to) Wallowa is hospitable (sometimes the snow is too much to travel through safely)
They are able to travel to Wallowa Lake without incident
There are snow plows to clear the road
The house we rent has Cookware, as well as furniture and sleep accomodations for all of us
Baby #2 is born in healthy in August
There are medical professionals trained to help facilitate this
Stephanie makes a full recovery from the planned C-section