PerMB Functionality
Traffic switch to PAYG in case of no available traffic in data package on SIM
Must work with auto-order packages as well
If data package is in Forced configuration, and there is no data left in data package, subscriber should be able to use perMB tariffication. And even if there are BlockID and Forced settings, subscriber still should be able to use PAYG traffic.
In case subscriber orderer turbo package or turbo package + perMB tariffication, then during next data session traffic should be used within the framework of turbo package, then system will check for availability of perMB configuration.
PerMB (Standard GPRS tariffication) is available only if DailyGPRS function is on.
When data package Period of Validity is reached, active GPRS sessions with perMB tariffication are being terminated and then takes place another auto-order of the package and tariffication starts on DailyGPRS base.
PerMB flag should remain for data packages after next auto-order.
Despite settings in data-package for auto-order also should be available information in SIM card's settings: GPRS packages - date and time of the first activation of data package + date and time of expiration of the package; date and time of the latest auto-order + date and time of expiration of the package; also should be visible auto-order count, if there is 10 auto-orders configured and 3 of them used, then show 3, if unlimited then 'unlimited', if auto-order is disabled, then show '0'.
Information on all above active data-packages should be available using commands like card_stat, discount, discountm with new parameter detailed=true/false
Group operations for blocking data package in System.
If value of action is 'delete', then all packages that are on SIM cards should be removed from SIMs.