Theory of Knowledge - Natural Sciences


to induce - derive reasoning to lead to something as a conclusion, or inference, too suggest or imply

induction - the process of inferring a general law or principle from observation of particular instances

Scientific Method

Theory - Prediction - Experiment - Observation

Ask question - Do background research - Construct hypothesis - Test with an experiment - Analyze results/draw conclusions - Hypothesis is true or false

Step 1: Observation

Criticism: Selectivity - overlooked factors that turn relevant later on

Criticism: Expectations - expectations influence what we see

Criticism: Observer Effect - act of observation can affect what we observe

Step 2: Hypothesis

Criticism: Conformation Bias - looking for evidence that confirms the argue

Step 3: Law

Criticism: Induction - move from the observed to the unobserved

Karl Popper - Falsifiability is the assertion that for any hypothesis to have credence, it must be inherently disprovable before it can become accepted as a scientific hypothesis or theory.

Science vs. Pseudo-science


  • impossible to verify or falsify vague claims

Ad hoc exceptions

  • a good scientific hypothesis is general in nature and does not keep making exceptions

Observation - Hypothesis - Experiment - Law - Theory