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Ecology of Mass Media (Addiction Recovery Program: A Guide to Addiction…
Ecology of Mass Media
Addiction Recovery Program: A Guide to Addiction Recovery and Healing
Step 1
Admit that you, of yourself, are powerless to overcome your addictions and that your life has
become unmanageable.
Step 2
Come to believe that the power of God can restore you to complete spiritual health.
Step 3
Decide to turn your will and your life over to the care of God the Eternal Father and His Son,
Jesus Christ.
Step 4
Make a searching and fearless written moral inventory of yourself.
Step 5
Admit to yourself, to your Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ, to proper priesthood
authority, and to another person the exact nature of your wrongs.
Step 6
Become entirely ready to have God remove all your character weaknesses.
Step 7
Humbly ask Heavenly Father to remove your shortcomings.
Step 8
Make a written list of all persons you have harmed and become willing to make restitution to them.
Step 9
Wherever possible, make direct restitution to all persons you have harmed.
Step 10
Continue to take personal inventory, and when you are wrong promptly admit it.
Step 11
Seek through prayer and meditation to know the Lord’s will and to have the power to carry it out.
Step 12
Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, share this message with others and practice these principles in all you do.
Chapter 9
Understanding Mass Media
Mass Media
The form of communication in which large audiences quickly receive a given message via an impersonal medium between the sender and the receiver
Mass media and socialization
The learned behavior, including knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, customs, skills, and traditions, that is characteristic of the social environment in which an individual grows up
Chronosystem influences
Macrosystem influences
Children and screen media
Television, movies, culture
Theories on how screen media influences children
Social Cognitive Theory
Imitate role models
Cultivation Theory
Alters beliefs and behavior
Motivation Theory
How it's used
Displacement Theory
Displace other developmental activities
Screen Media and Socialization: Concerns
Socioemotional development and relationships
Physical development and health
Substance use and abuse
Psychological development and behavior
Emotions about aggression and violence
Attitudes and motives
Attitudes about aggression and motives to behave aggressively
The gradual reduction in response to a stimulus after repeated exposure
Cognitive development and achievement
Advertising on the screen
Broadcast TV, diversity, stereotyping
An oversimplified representation of members of a particular group
Reading and communication skills
Academic achievement
Cognitive impact of educational videos on infants/toddlers
Moral development and values
Selective attention
Choosing stimuli from one's environment to notice, observe, and consider
Adult coviewing
Control number of hours
Check ratings
Discuss programs
Arrange other family activities
Mesosystem influences
Community-media linkages
Cable and Satellite
Recording devices
Public interest groups
School-media linkages
Peer group-media linkages
Family-media linkages
Children and print media: Books and magazines
Socialize children
Being able to communicate through reading and writing
Language and socialization
Caldecott medal
Award given yearly for the most distinguished picture book for children
Language, reading, and cognitive development
Psychological development
Role models
Newbery Medal
Award given yearly for the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children
Cope with problems
Understand feelings
Print media and socialization concerns
Fantasy and reality
Children and audio media: Popular music
Effects of music lyrics
The phenomenon in which an individual exposed to a suggestion will act on it
What about music videos?
Frequent exposure
Violence, sexism, substance abuse, sexual content
Children and digital media: The internet
Piracy issues
Spam/junk mail
Coping with internet information overload
Internet communication: Social networking
Access to inappropriate/overwhelming areas
Promotion of hate, violence, porn
Intense advertising
Invitation to join clubs giving away personal info to unknown source
Children and multimedia: Devices and games
Gradual levels of challenge
Encouraging interaction
Positive influences
Introduction to information technology
Practice in following instructions
Practice in problem solving and logic
Use of fine motor and spatial skills
Adult and child interaction together
Negative influences
Practicing violence may contribute to more aggressive behavior
Often based on plots of aggression, competition and stereotyping
Confuse reality and fantasy
Often don't present opportunities for independent thought or creativity
Academic achievement may be negatively related to overall time spent playing video or computer games
Protect Our Homes, Renew Our Powers
Patterns of Book of Mormon battles
Between people either for or against God
Enemy attacked edges before center
Unrelenting attacks over time
Dissenters within Nephites most effective to let enemy succeed
Initially gave Nephites a cause, but lost sight of their goals
The War We Are Waging
Modern advances
Career goals, personal interest and activities are put before the home and family
American homelife in state of decline
Allen believes home is the geographic center
Where you have feelings of comfort, familiarity, and safety
Where meaningful people and things meet
Where significant events, memories, and routines take place
Where you develop specific knowledge
Fits with who you think you are and meets expectations
Preserve sacred nature of home
Meal preparation time dropped from three hours per day in 1960 to twenty minutes in 1998
Family meal a family sacrament
Build spiritual strength
God's commandments are spiritual, not temporal
Draw closer to Christ
Attend to family duties
12 Steps to Recovery
Church's recovery program
Lives are changed
"Believest thou in the power of Christ unto salvation?... If thou believest in the redemption of Christ thou canst be healed." Alma 15: 6, 8
The Great Lie
To represent as true what is known to be false. Delude; to deliberately mislead; betray.
One look won't hurt!
It's harmless!
It's not a big deal!
I can stop anytime!
Pornography is harmless!
I'm in control!
I'm not addicted!
I'm not hurting anyone!
Pornography can ruin your life.
Talk to someone - it will help.
You can flee from pornography.
Pornography is more powerful than you think.
It's your choice.
Hope is found in Christ.
You are a child of God.
Things as They Really Are
Bednar warns about harm of digital technology
Consider 2 questions
Does it invite or impede the Holy Ghost?
Does it enlarge or restrict your capacity to live, to love, and to serve?
Jolts and Tricks
Connections between neurons
Attitudes and values
Accepting diversity
Peaks at 7 years old
Video games
56% kids have TVs in room
Advertisements create emotional jolt to get attention
Sex and violence
Special effects
Camera angles
Computer games
1/2 hour alone with father a week
2 1/2 hours a week with mother
5 hours hw a week
2 hours a week reading
24 hours a week watching TV
Powerful, how it is used
1936 White