Internal Case Study
URA contact a senior member of the buildings team who has been involved in retail developments in Singapore. URA are interested in In-Mall Distribution Models. Although the leader had not been involved in the logistics strategy for the development she had previously attended an internal panel discussion hosted by FCH on the future of retail. She approaches the FCH Mobility Champion.
The Champion discusses knowledgeably with the leader on the questions raised, alternative approaches and best practices. They agree that there is an opportunity to offer strategic advice to the market on logistics approaches and that the buildings team can incorporate this into their offer to architects and retail developers.
The Champion curates a kick off lunch and learn session for the office on urban logistics, collaborating with Arup University a learning piece is developed focused on implications of logistics to developments engaging at the Buildings Team. At the same time a deep dive session between Arup’s global experts for city logistics with the buildings leader and URA is arranged.
The URA, impressed by Arup’s depth of market knowledge, global connectivity and application of innovative approaches, develops a shared research project collaborating with Arup, raising Arup’s profile, building local track record and leading to future work.