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Unit 3 Living things in their environment (3.2 food chains (a diagram…
Unit 3 Living things in their environment
3.1 Adaptations
important to survive in habitat
are special features that are developed to help it survive in habitat
fish ==> tail to help propel it, fins to stay balanced, gills to absorb O2 from water, streamlined body to reduce friction when moving forward, lateral line to sense movement in water around the fish
Fennec foxes
adaptation to live in hot desert and to hunt at night
thick fur to keep warm at night
sandy colour as camouflage
large ears
lose heat easily to help keep cool
for good hearing for hunting prey in dark
good eyesight for poor light
strong legs to dig burrows for the daytime
thick fur on pads of paws to protect from heat of sand
cacti ==> to help them to live in desert
thick stem to store water
spines to prevent thirsty animals from eating cactus to get water
long root system to find water deep in soil
all organisms have special adaptations that help them live in their habitat
3.2 food chains
a diagram which shows how energy passes from one organism to another when it makes or eats food
begin with plants, which use energy from sunlight to make food
plants are producers => because they produce food
animals are consumers => because they consume food that was originally made by plants
can have producers, primary consumer, secondary consumer and even tertiary consumer and predator in the diagram
3.3 Humans and food chains
human activity and food chains
reduced food supply for consumers in that particular food chain
introduction of new species
which may serve as new predators in a food chain
humans impact the food chain
they clear land to grow crops, which destroys habitats and harms food chains
in turn they farm the land
positive impact of farming
more production of food for human consumers
negative impact of farming
creates a plentiful source of food for some consumers which may be pests
3.4 Pollution
pollution is adding harmful things to environment
untreated waste causes water pollution
burning fossil fuels causes air pollution
3.5 Ozone depletion
ozone = gas in a layer high up in the atmosphere
ozone layer protects su from UV radiation
CFCs (chloro-fluorocarbons) have caused damage to ozone layer over Antarctic
now banned and ozone layer recovering
3.6 Conservation
3.7 Energy resources
habitat - place where an organism lives
animal farming also releases methane into atmosphere and increases greenhouse effect