• Usually large scale
  • Carried out by governements international organisations and ‘experts’
  • Done by people from outside the area
  • Imposed upon the area or people by outside organisations
  • Often well-funded
  • Local people not involved in decision making

Example: The SEZ of Shenzhen in China

DEFINITION: Various ways in which development can be assessed. Include:

  • GDP/GNP per capita
  • % growth rate of the economy
  • literacy rate for children/adults
  • life expectancy
  • internet + mobile phones usage
  • % of female politicians
  • % of the population allowed to vote
  • CO2 emissions

Example: Nigeria VS The UK

DEFINITION: voluntary transfer of resources from one country to another. Most aid is tied, which means the receiving nation must spend on products and expertise originating only from the donor country.

Example: Chinese aid to Africa

Much Chinese financing to Africa is associated with securing the continent’s natural resources. Using what is sometimes characterized as the “Angola Model,” China frequently provides low-interest loans to nations who rely on commodities, such as oil or mineral resources. In these cases, the recipient nations usually suffer from low credit ratings and have great difficulty obtaining funding from the international financial market.


DEFINITION: countries seen as low and middle income in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean by the World Bank. These nations are often described as newly industrialised or in the process of industrialising. Global South does not necessarily refer to geographical south (many Global South countries are in the geographical north).



  • Low Income Country: Gross National Income/capita < $1 000
  • Middle Income Country: $1 000 < GNI/capita < $12 000
  • High Income Country: GNI/capita > $12 000


  • LIC: Nigeria
  • MIC: Bangladesh
  • HIC: the UK


DEFINITION: countries that exhibit the lowest indicators of socioeconomic development, with the lowest Human Development Index ratings of all countries in the world.

A country is classified among the LDCs if it meets three criteria:

  • Poverty – as of 2018 a country must have a GNI/capita inferior to $1 230.
  • Human resource weakness (based on indicators of nutrition, health, education and adult literacy).
  • Economic vulnerability (based on instability of agricultural production, instability of exports of goods and services, economic importance of non-traditional activities, merchandise export concentration, handicap of economic smallness, and the percentage of population displaced by natural disasters).

Example: Angola, Bangladesh, Haiti


DEFINITION: non-profit and sometimes international organisation independent of governments and international governmental organisations (though often funded by governments) that is active in humanitarian, educational, health care, public policy, social, human rights, environmental, and other areas to effect changes according to their objectives.

Example: The Red Cross

Originally Swiss international humanitarian movement with approximately 17 million volunteers, members and staff worldwide which was founded to protect human life and health, to ensure respect for all human beings, and to prevent and alleviate human suffering.


DEFINITION: Rift between political parties over their ideologies. Different political interests and thoughts increase the conflict.

Example: Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Ongoing armed conflict that caused around 25 000 deaths.


DEFINITION: concept of visiting somewhere as a tourist and trying to make a positive impact on the environment, society, and economy.

Example: Gìjon (Spain)

ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENT: more than 85% of the council's rural area. The city stresses the Botanic Garden, unique in the Cantabrian coast, with an area of ​​25 hectares where about 30,000 plants are cataloged, emphasising the Tragamón Carbayera over 400 years old.

CULTURE AND TRADITION: Gijon is a city rooted in popular values ​​and which offers many activities and museums that allow tourists to experience firsthand the history and local customs.

SOCIAL COMMITMENT: Gijon has different programs to boost economic activity, job creation and sustainable development. In addition care and coverage of basic needs is guaranteed for the most vulnerable.


  • Small scale
  • Involves local communities and people
  • Labour intensive
  • Usually limited funding available
  • Common projects include building earthen dams, creating cottage industries
  • Local people involved in the decision making process
  • Run by the local people for the locals

Example: WaterAid Australia working with villages in Timor-Leste to improve their access to water

Around two or three WaterAid voluntary workers work with the local populations to dig wells and build taps**.

Shenzhen's vibrant economy was made possible by rapid foreign investment following the institution of the policy of "reform and opening-up" by the Chinese government in 1979.


  • GDP per capita: $2 412
  • growth rate of the economy: 14%
  • adult literacy rate: 60%
  • life expectancy: 55 years old
  • internet usage: 51% of the population
  • female politicians: 8%


  • GDP per capita: $42 5144
  • growth rate of the economy: 0,5%
  • adult literacy rate: 84%
  • life expectancy: 81 years old
  • internet usage: 88% of the population
  • female politicians: 29%