Politics- Gerousia





The Gerousia consisted of 30 members, 28 Gerontes and the two kings.

All full citizens over 60 years of age were eligible to sit on the council. Once on the council membership was for life. This means that only a very small proportion of all citizens could become members of the Gerousia. It is therefore likely that many members of the Gerousia came from the most distinguished families


Gerousia discussed issues, then placed the matter before the Assembly to be voted on.-475

475- deciding whether to go to war against Athens. Gerousia in favour so proposed the motion to the assembly, who were also generally in favour of war as an oracle had warned them against accepting 'lame leadership'

Hetoimaridas - a man held in high esteem due to him being of excellent character and being descended from Heracles- was able to win over the Gerousia and Assembly with his impressive arguments against a war.He must have changed the minds of the majority of the Gerontes (elders) before being allowed to put forward a motion to the Assembly.

only source that mentions these events, which is concerning (although he did use early sources to write his histories).

and he only explicit example of the Gerousia being involved in political decision making and proposing a motion to the Assembly.

not all Gerontes were ‘high class’.

On the death of an existing member of the Gerousia a new member had to be chosen. The Assembly chose (elected) Gerontes to sit in the Gerousia

On the death of an existing member of the Gerousia a new member had to be chosen. The Assembly chose (elected) Gerontes to sit in the Gerousia

Gerousia discussed what issues should be put before the Assembly to be voted on.

Gerousia was also probably able to shape how a particular issue was presented to the Assembly. This too allowed it to influence political decision making

It could sentence people to death and remove citizen rights from Spartiates

It could sentence people to death

age weakened their minds so that they were unable to make judgements beneficial to the state

judging cases had the effect of making the Gerontes virtuous and honourable, and in turn this meant they received great respect from the common Spartans

‘best and wisest’ were chosen to be Gerontes

called membership ‘a prize for excellence’

Spartiates would have to be moral and virtuous throughout their lives if they were to stand a chance of election: Lycurgus had apparently designed it this way to ensure morality.

Gerousia that would judge the court trial – especially in cases where the death penalty was involved

it had authority when either the death penalty or loss of citizen rights were being judged.

It was a power base for the Kings. This is because members of their family or friends would already be on the council or would be selected to be on the council during their reign

the original Gerontes were some of those who had supported Lycurgus’ new constitution (Great Rhetra).

it was well known that the Gerontes took bribes and showed favouritism

not accountable to anyone although his meaning is unclear. Seems to imply that individual Gerontes were not held to account for their political and legal decisions as members of the Gerousia

Apparently old Spartiates asked for electoral support before elections. Aristotle thought this was unfitting for the respected position being sought. He attributes some of this ambition to a desire to receive bribes once in office.