


A vigilante

Against government

The Court of Ettiquet

Protector of Nins

Hunted Nins

Rebellious Nins

Necessary Components

A surface identity

Forced their hands by Hunting

Nileerin who hate Rins

Antagonist = Jhor


The Altered Girl


Hunters of Nin

Jhor's Court of Powers





Ursus, the first empire of the Weald






Personal Acceptance

Societal Acceptance


The Nins Hunt

Protection of Nins against the Hunt

Intensified when the Altered Girl showed up

Forty years after the Byshore Rebellion

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Pushed by the

A Traveling Mediciner

Same Identity as his teacher?


Protagonist asks the critical question from the beginning

Tisha the Nine-tailed Fox

The Old Teller

Provide Protagonist with fu's



Created by Fozkro

Taught by Protagonist's teacher

Tied to the power of Swift One


Chapter 1: Protagonist as Medicinist; Come across the Sisters; Capture a Nin.



Chapter 2: Protagonist returns to Old Teller; Protagonist return home and introduce Knottingmore

Introduce Old Teller in the 酒樓

煙雨瀰漫、小二在門口熱情的叫喚。The crowded, noisy space. Warm lights from red lanterns makes the place a bright morning stars. Two wooden gates slid open and red light emitting from within. Hoots and shouts were the norm of such a place. The locals paid no heed to Protagonist, knowing him for who he was. He sat in the corner and ordered a pot of hot Burntedge.

He walked into the dim-lighted room, and remembered the preference of the Teller, and promptly set the flagon on the floor just outside the door. But as he approached the table, the keen smell of the old man had sniffed the alcohol spilled on his 領子。 "You ought to drink less Whiteberg and more tea." The Old Man suggested.

Chapter 4: Wanted

Old Teller provide him with supply

Old Teller asked about Knottingmore

Why do we protect the Nins?

The Inside Man

Chapter 5

Chapter 3: Knotted

Ursu was first established as a nation formed from the Fosr, Nuvir, Gongu, and Zarna tribes.

The leader of Fosr at the time of establishment was Yellom.

He had observed the conflicts between the tribes and recognized the cause always returns to limited resources

He understands that Nins always consumed too much resource and came up with a unpopular idea

Yellom believed in order for the tribes to co-exist peacefully, it was necessary for them to take another form of life, not as Nins but as Rins, a lower energy consuming form

He proposed the idea, but other than their long-time ally Nuvir, other tribes pushed back the idea of giving up their innate powers just to simply survive

Such plans were held stagnant until a student of the Daeo from Fosr tribe completed his experiments to grant anyone access to powers of the Nins, manipulation of qy'win. Entered Fozkro and his creation of Jyt'do

They tested the idea successfully, and in the following decade Ursu was born.

When Ursu was first born, Xeru led an army of the Nileer tribe to invade the newly established state

The Byshore tribes, Gongurin and Zarnarin were heavily defeated by the Nileer invasion under the command of Reddin

Yellom and his new army defeated the Nileer forces and drove them back north across the river

Bitter history between Byshores and the Fosrins, prompting the eventual Byshore Rebellion

What the tribes of Ursu did not anticipate was that although their Rin form consumed a lot less energy, their powers dwindled as their descendants become more like Rins and less and elss like the Nins.

Thus, when Jhor used the Caldron to defeat Baan, he witnessed the power of the older Nins and felt threatened, leading him to call for the hunt of Nins, but what he was truly looking for were those that were altered by the Caldron's massive wave of qy'win


Big fight against the Court of Discipline

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An escape from the captured prison

The reveal that the leader of the COD is the teacher of T

He visited the prison and conversed with P

P returns home to prepare fu's

Show the making of fu's

Accessing knottingmore's qy'win, the great power and the its side effects, when finished he was tied down and sunk into the gloom "Not even the memory of his teacher could bring joy to his heart."

P asked T before where he learned all about jyt'do, T said he had a teacher, too.

The hurried course of the COD agents through the streets

The order of the Court Duke

The watchful eyes, the fox hiding on the roof

The sisters hiding

Description of the "Most Wanted"

The critical question: P asked why do we help Nins? Were they not the ones who hurt you?"

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The great Capture

P returns home and finds the note left by his Nin friend, telling him of the new Nin that has

If the Nins are viewed as monsters instead of sentient beings at the time of this story

Why are Nins getting closer to the Rin settlements? Are they not afraid? Simply seeking food or is there another cause?

An old man called P's name and ask him if he had medicine for cold.


He was bright and loving, at least when he was still young (evident in the way he treated the Nins)