Coordination of operational planning


Who needs to be consulted and for what capability


Strategic context of the mission and politics needs to be better understood so it can be explained

Roles and responsibilities defined/adhered too?

Role Reinforced/enforced by DFAT

Deployment of 'non-traditional' capabilites

EMA Vs DFAT Role domestic capability


Response options

Joining Instructions :

Health Safety and Security Plans


Logisitic challenges

Multi agency communication

Mulitple operational centres/personnel not connected

Use of liasion officers

Conflicting priorities between Aus Gov agencies

Sustain - Deployed liasion officers

Having the right skill/experience to know where to look for information

need to develop vs send someone who can do the job

Agency LO rarely utilised

NRSC deployments

Lack of processes

Adequate training


Terms of Reference

Format/information within

lack of planning at the front end

Timings for briefings due

DFAT versus DFAT post role

Gaps in information

What authority does EMALO have?

Depends on who is in the role

Loose langauge

Inconsistant understanding leads to assumptions on scope of work

in country logisitics working well

In country relationships working well

Deployment timeframe

What is EMA's role?

Expectations of strategic people versus operational on the ground personnel