When it comes to school participation, children with CP perform the activities in all aspects, but they require, however, constant supervision.
Students with CP required help with physical and cognitive-behavioral tasks; and that they had important difficulties in performing physical tasks in relation to cognitive-behavioral tasks. Therefore, there is a tendency for students to receive more assistance from teachers rather than adaptations and changes in objects, in tasks or on the demands of activities.
Saraiva and Melo13 add that state public schools have certain shortage in suitable furniture for children with CP. This fact, combined with others, makes it rather difficult to the student with CP to remain in regular school.
It appears necessary that health professionals, such as physical therapists and occupational therapists, are present in the school environment in order to bind a partnership with teachers, through guidance and contributions in whatever is necessary for school inclusion and for the performing of adaptations in the environment
Through the study's results, it was found that children perform their activities in all aspects of their school participation, but they require, however, constant supervision, moderate assistance and some minimal adaptation.
(Rézio, Formiga, Rézio, & Formiga, 2014; ShawTVLethbridge, n.d.)