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What is a Vertebrate? (Characteristics of Chordates (Nerve Cord in Back,…
What is a Vertebrate?
Characteristics of Chordates
“Vertebrates are like a jaw less fish are a subgroup in the phylum chordate.”
Most of the chordates are vertebrates including, fishes, amphibians, such as frogs, and reptiles, such as snakes, so are birds and mammals.
Some chordates are invertebrates.
“At some point in their lives, chordates will have a notochord, a nerve cord that runs down their back, and split in their throat area.”
“The phylum name chordate comes from the notochord, a flexible rod that supports the chordates back.”
In some vertebrates all or part of the notochord is a backbone.
Nerve Cord in Back
All chordate animals have a nerve cord that runs down their back or called a spinal cord.
The nerve cord is connected to the brain and the nerves, which sends messages back and forth.
“Many other groups of animals arthropods and segmented worms, for example have nerve cords, but their nerve cords do not run down their backs.”
Slits in Throat Area
When the chordates is at a point in their lives when they have slits in their throat area called pharyngeal slits or so-called gill slits.
For some chordates entire lives fishes keep slips as part of their gills.
But in humans, those slits go away before birth.
Characteristics of Vertebrates
Most of the chordates are vertebrates.
“A vertebrate has a backbone that is part of an internal skeleton.”
The endoskeleton makes the animal able to move and support its body.
Vertebrates backbone runs down the center of its back.
“The backbone is formed by many similar bones called vertebrae, which lineup like beads on a string.”
The spine is flexible because of the movable connections between the vertebrae.
Internal Skeleton
“The backbone of a vertebra is part of its endoskeleton.”
The point of the endoskeleton is that it protects the internal organs and gives the muscles place to attach.
The endoskeleton includes a skull and ribs.
The skull protects the brain and the ribs protect the internal organs, such as the heart and the lungs.
“Vertebrates endoskeleton has several characteristics. Unlike an arthropod skeleton, and endoskeleton doesn't need to be replaced as the animal grows. It also forms an internal frame that supports the body against now we're both gravity, while allowing easy movement.”
Vertebrates can be bigger than animals with no skeletons at all or exoskeletons.
Keeping Conditions Stable
There is one major difference between vertebrates, and that is the way they control their body temperature.
“The body temperature of most fishes, and amphibians, and reptiles is close to the temperature of their environment. In contrast, birds and mammals have a stable body temperature that is often warmer than their environment.”
Ectotherms are amphibians, fishes, and reptiles.
“An ectotherm is an animal whose body does not produce much internal heat.”
Depending on the animals environment temperature, the animal's body temperature changes."
The term “cold blood” is not true because an ectotherms blood is often quite warm.
“Endotherm is an animal whose body regulates its own temperature by controlling the internal heat it produces.”
An endotherm temperature does not change much, even when the environment temperature changes.
Mammals and Birds are endotherms.
“Also have other adaptations, such as sweat glands and fur or feathers, from entertaining their body temperature.”
Animals can be cooled by the sweat evaporating.
Fur or feathers keep endotherms warm on cold days.
Endotherms and live in a variety of environments because they can keep their body temperatures stable.