How do we create information that is reusable?
The pyramid principle may be useful
This logic can then be reused in other work
Situation: We would like to work out and put in place plans and processes to ensure we can collect and share information consistently and widely across the SL and with other SL / teams when required to
Much of the work we do is not reused or reusable. This may be because of:
Trust - is this the source data or have adjustments been made?
Undiscoverable - Saved on laptop and emailed to client
Not able to be reused - Has been written / created in a way that means we are unable to reuse
How do we create information that is reusable?
How do we curate information so it is discoverable?
Sharing information with clients
How do we curate information so that it is discoverable?
using digital platforms to deliver content to clients
The pyramid principle imposes a logical structure.
Start with the answer,
Group and summarise arguments,
Logically order your ideas
The benefits of structuring our proposals this way is the reusability of the arguments.
These can be reused in other work.
The problem;
Much of the work we do is saved on our computer or buried in iConnect. This means that it is difficult for others to find information that may help them in a proposal / report or find resources that can help with their project
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The problem;
When we find information it often can't be reused
The use of an online platform allows us to build a library of material for the client
A single contract reduces the costs of winning work
Existing work drives new work creating a virtuous cycle
Automation of marginal loss factor modelling
Target clients and industries
Automated derivation of separate state models
Automation of copying of network updates from one model to all the others
Provision of multipliers for interstate flows and overall consumption as an input to the MLF calculation tool
Produce constraint analysis automatically as part of the MLF calculation tool
Project is to automate the process of preparing and organising input data for MLF modelling