1950s: The "Cognitive Revolution", post behaviourist, reactionary. The beginning of cognitive science i.e. the interdisciplinary study of the processes of the mind. Begins with psychology, anthropology, and linguistics and then moves to unite with the developing approaches of artificial intelligence, computer science, and neuroscience.
George Miller, John McCarthy, Noam Chomsky, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell, and Herbert Simon are seen as the founders of cognitive science
Cognitive science partakes in the memory wars (as highlighted in yellow) via the subsets of psychology and neuroscience, as psychoanalysis is notably absent from cognitive science. Part of being opposed to repression theory comes in the form of redfining the understanding of the unconscious
"Cognition Everywhere:
The Rise of the Cognitive Nonconscious and the Costs of Consciousness", Hayles 2014
"The Cognitive Nonconscious: Enlarging the Mind of the Humanities", Hayles 2016
"The New Unconscious: A Literary Guided Tour", Vermeule 2015
Strangers to Ourselves, Wilson 2002
Disability Studies
Disability studies maintains a similar discursive balance between art and science while analysing the (mis)representation and understanding of disability and diversity within intersecting artistic and scientific fields
"Disability and Popular Fiction: Reading Representations", Coogan 2010
"Disability Studies", Rembis 2017
Empathy Studies
Attempting to empirically measure and engage with the phenomena of empathy. Two key areas of research between emotional and cognitive empathy. It is a space where literature and neuroscience can converge productively.
Feeling Your Pain Exploring Empathy in Literature and Neuroscience, Fowler and Shigley 2014
Empathy Studies, Keen 2018
Literature and Empathy, Fischer 2017