(W10_RCO1)PRODUCT MIXwhat to sell(product mix, size, style, price), how much( inventory management, demand and manufacturing considerations), when(timing and seasonality), and where to sell(location, brick and mortar, online)
Breadth, depth, width, consistency
(W10_RCO2) Fashion buying, selecting the right product mix
(W10_RCO3)Model stock(right mix of Pricepoint, style, size range, colours fabrics)
(W10_RC04)Considerations when purchasing (Store image, consumer, margins etc)
W10_RCO5) Factors influencing merch planning (stock turnover, sales promotions, events, production planning, sales history etc)
(W11_RCO3)Balance, cohesion and synchronisation of the range
(W11_RCO4)Proportions of the range(for the garments to be similar in proportions, narrow suit narrow tie)
(W11_RCO5)Inventory management( right stock, at the right place at the right time in the right quantities and at the right cost.)