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cultural background 1949 -- 1966 (Political context (Little intellectual…
cultural background 1949 -- 1966
Why distinguished 1949-1966 from the other periods
the establishment of PRC
outbreak of Cultural Revolution
Political context
Little intellectual freedom
to Western influences.
left-turn in the literary movement -- Translation of English fiction and Drama in Modern China** p. 171
Britain was the earliest Western country which admits the authority of PRC in 1950 soon after the establishment of PRC.
a series of political and criticizing campaigns
走社会主义道路, 改造个人(尤其是知识分子), 反帝, 阶级斗争等, 便是本时期的主要意识形态... '保卫社会主义'... 国家叙述和主流意识形态完全一致. 国家政权, 赞助人, 意识形态., 诗学等.. '全盘苏化'
-- 王友贵, 意识形态和20世纪中国翻译文学史 (1899-1979)
during the intervening years, one political activity after another .... people disppointed and baffled ---
Translation of English fiction and Drama in Modern China
p. 171
Inter-cultural context
Powerful state controls
culture and keeps the translation of Western literature in a
marginal position
'Russian and proletarian literature occupied a major position' Yin Ling (2009)
1949 年以后, 中国政治和外交上向苏联一边倒,文艺创作也深受其影响
translation was used to strengthen communism and critics against capitalism
political and ideological over literary and poetic functions
1949年后, 本着'政治标准第一, 艺术标准第二'的文艺标准. ...将文学翻译控制在为政治服务的运行轨道 (查明建论文)
文学选材方面, 现实主义文学高于非现实主义文学; 批判现实主义文学和积极浪漫文学高于一般现实主义文学和浪漫主义文学, 社会主义现实主义文学和无产阶级文学又高于批判现实主义和积极浪漫主义文学, 处于文字等级金字塔的顶端 (查明建论文)
50 年代, 批判性地继承世界文学遗产的口号, 欧洲古典名家 作品有一定的翻译 (参考<十年来外国文学翻译和研究工作> 在查建明暗147 页
研究者出于政治安全考虑, 选材上宁左勿右, 即使有所肯定, 也只是说它们具有对封建主义和资本主义的批判作用 (查, 147页)
60年代, 古典文学批判遭到质疑和批判(查,148页)
1962年, '文艺八条'的纠正作用 -- 西方反动文艺也应该有条件地介绍(查, 151页)
五六十年代的翻译文学双重功能:强化意识形态,; 为文学创作树立典范
1949 to 1966, some 100 works by British and American authors translated by freelance translators/the quality of translation is higher than in the pre-liberation dfays / they were directly supervised by CPC Department of Publicity -- Translation of English fiction and Drama in Modern China** p. 172
The popular proposition at that time
literature translation should be organized and planned systematically
clear 'translationess'
'spiritual resonance'
mainly published by two state-owned publishing house
different comments on the translation at this period
在香港左翼作家创办的<大众文艺丛刊>中, 郭沫若在<斥反动文艺>中点名批评萧乾, 朱光潜三人, 而郭后在中共中央政府身居要职 -- <九十年往事>
By 张道梁