DESCARTES came to the conclusion that God do absolutely anything, including the logically impossible. God is supreme perfection and therefore, he has no limitations. God is the source of logic and has the power to suspend logic or replace it whenever he wants to. DESCARTES rejected any other understandings of omnipotence because he though it would limit the greatness of God and dishonour God's greatness. For DESCARTES, God is capable of evil (because of his omnipotence) and as well as incapable (because of his love and benevolent nature) at the same time even though this is a logical contradiction. Although we cannot understand this and the existence of God, for DESCARTES, this was because of our finite mind and understanding. However, most Christian scholars argued that this kind of understanding of omnipotence is mistaken - logical contradictions aren't 'things,' as doing the logically impossible is nonsense. DESCARTES' view of God creates him into an unpredictable being and so, cannot be relied upon. If God is all-powerful, then he is capable of doing evil, being unforgiving and capable of failure. He is also capable of being self-contradiction, for instance, making promises but breaking them. This also makes God's moral rules as being subject to change and simultaneously being true and false, making it difficult for people to have a stable relationship with God or to trust him for salvation. Theodicies put forward by IRENAEUS, AUGUSTINE and HICK suggest God cannot act in any other way without taking free will. Suffering and evil is a price to be moral agents and act autonomously.