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Medicine (The Renaissance (vesalius (Importance (proved Galen incorrect…
The Renaissance
Scientific approach
reduced influence of the church as people challenged authority so pole began to look for explanations for disease
proved the septum did not have holes to let blood flow , jaw bone one not two and kidneys were the same Hight in the body
continuity treatments
Community Care
still believed it healthy living , traditional herbal remedies , cleanliness , bleeding , purging , superstitions and prayer
19 Century
Prevention of disease
Vaccinations development
Pasteur and team of scientised discovered weakened version of disease-causing microbe could be used to crat immunity
Improvements In Care
Florence Nightingale
miasma caudsed disease belived in hygiene , fresh air , good supplies and trainf for nurses
organised , clean and beater trained nurses given more central role assisting doctors
1790 - scientific method to carry out exsperimanets as he infected local people with cow pox than small pox but none of them go ill
Jenner collect evidence on the good and bad of small pox inculcations - notated people with cow pox didn't catch small poc
1720 - inculcating people against small pox by infecting some one with a mild stem of the dieses but people could still die
Germ Theory
evented growing bacteria on agar jelly and chemical dyes stained bacteria so t could be seen under a microscopes - other scienists used his method
pester and koch
Pasteur had little impact on madersn to begin as he was not a doctor - most still believed in spontaneous generation
work by john snow
outbreak of cholera in soho 1854 where snow lived he mapped all the death that seem to have strong link to the water pump on brood street
John removed the handle from the water pump and the amont of death feel dramatically which lead him to find out that the cesspit was leaking waste into the well
popular well-respected doctor and surgeon and he observed cholera epidemic in 1848-49 he theory was that cholera was spread to contamination of drinking water
however people did not believe snow because there was no scientific evidence as germ theory did emerge tile 1861 so the government did nothing about it
1875 the second public health act said city have o provide clean water so in the long-term he had an impact
Modern Britan
Change and Treatment
Magic bullets
Behring discovered the body , manufactures antitoxins
Paul Ehrlich and his team reached the magic bullet which would kill the compound kill the microbe causing a disease
team helped by German government funding worked for many years and tested many compounds of salvarsan to find one cure for syphilis
1932Gerhard Domagk developed the second magic bullet prontosil which cured some type of blood poisoning
Domagk work found that key ingredient in Prontosil Sulphonamide also cured pneumonia , scarlet fever and meningitis
chemical structure of different antibiotics was discovered scientised were able to make new antibiotic which solved the problem of having tow ate for them t grow
Antibiotics have saved millions of lives due to overuse and super bacteria which is resistance antibiotics have evolved
Keyhole and microsurgery
tiny cameras and surgical instrument devolvement means instead of making incisions and large cuts in the body
doctors today still use knowledge and medical books they combine this with medical testing and use science technology to discover what is wrong
Medical advances
MIR , CT and ultrasound scans
Preventing disease
Compulsory Vaccinations
however in 1938 3000 people died from the diphtheria epidemic so the government funded an immunisation programme
in the 19th and 20th century people had to pay for vaccinations so some people could not afford them
Prevention measures
better disposal of rubbish and sewage as well as environmental health officers inspecting food outlets
impartments in law such as better health and safety at work , banning the advertising of cigarettes and smoking in public place
they allow you two see a GP have hospital care and operations also they give health care to the elderly
they also include ambulences and emergency treatment as well as health visits to pregnant women and young children
Improved access to care
more people have access to health care but some industry ae still hard to get NHS help for e.g. dental treatment as there are few NHS dentists
NHS improved health care no matter how you are you have entitlement to free doctors however it still took time for doctors and hospitals to improve
Lifestyle Campaigns
e.g. smoking and binge-drinking , with some success : the AIDS don't die of ignorance camping reduced cases of HIV infection
Genetics And Life Styles
understanding genetics
James Watson and Francis crick worked together on genetic codes of DNA and how they fitted together - also found out it had a double helix structure in 1953
1990 james Watson led a human genome project and started identifying and mapping every gene in the human body
lifestyle factors
however an unbalanced diet can lead to increase chance in getting certain caners and heart disease if you eat to much fat , sugar and salt
smoking can lead to many conditions such as high blood pressure , hart disease and many cancers
1941 - US drug companies agree to help fund the production of penicillin proved effective on humans , in December the USA enters the second World War
1929 Fleming published his finding but did not believe penicillin would work on living people and no funding to continue his research
1928 Alexander Fleming saw bacteria in a petri dish was killed by penicillin , he then tested this on other bacteria and found out the mould was a great antibiotic (penicillin)
proved effective on mice and tested it on humans so penicillin kills bacteria and therefor the infection - miracle drug
mass production
when USA joined world war two the government saw a need for penicillin so had 21 country mass produce it
1941 Florey asked drug companies and some agreed but only on a small scale this meant the effectiveness of penicillin was shown
Lung Cancer
tax on tobacco products has been increasing and in 2007 smocking was band in public place and 2015 band to smock in car if under 18 year old are present
advertising cigarettes was banned in 1965 and in 1991 cigars and tobacco were banned from being advertised
shop aren't allowed to display cigarette and they became standardised in may 2016 to be green packets with graphic warning of the dangers whatever the brand
also tiredness unexpected Weight loss and repeat chest infection and many other symptoms and these once normally devolve after the cancer become more serous
The Middle Ages
Caring for sick
diagnosed illness , gave treatments - could send to barber surgeons or apothecaries
bloodlettings , pulling teeth , lancing boils , cut hair and amputations - low success rate
increased in number and infections diseases weren't allowed - could get specific hospitals for infections though
Black Death
vomiting , diarrhoea and abdominal pain
Explanations for dieses
treatments on diet , exercise , bleeding and purging