Due to our different approaches and commitment to this project (outlined in the commitment section) some group members ended up being a bit too firm in their communication with other, especially when compiling the power point slides.
I tried to smooth over some of the issues by doing more work on the presentation that the rest of the group, as I knew that these communication difficulties would block progress, and I personally wasn't going to let them hinder our chances at achieving a mark we were all happy with.
An example of this is a group member deciding that they had done enough work, despite only having done two slides and not recorded their section even on the due date of the assignment. This meant that the rest of us ended up doing more work, which I found unnecessarily stressful, but indicative of each group member's priorities, as would occur in a real-life project.
My key learning from this was that I shouldn't let the lower commitment of others affect my objectives, and while first it is important to encourage them, it may get to a point where you have to do extra work to get the project across the line.