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Defeat of the Central Powers (Technology (general) (aircraft…
Defeat of the Central Powers
Germany's weaknesses
economic & resources
blockade & impacts
serious food shortages
manpower issues & labour shortages
less reserves to draw on
production failed to keep pace with Allied increases (due to blockade & lack of raw materials)
Ludendorff Offensive failed due to lack of reserves
failure of home front management
supplies were not reaching troops
less efficient at organizing war economy
Military Strategies
Schlieffen Plan
failure of speedy victory
Bringing Br
two fronts
halted offensive ended in stalemate
the central powers did not have the manpower to embark on such an operation
Germany could not afford the loss
public sentiment question the sacrifice & away from supporting the war effort
more being drawn to the front = more labour shortages and fell in production
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
failed and brought USA in
vital to boosting Allied resources
anti-German sentiment in an isolationist nation
due to desperation to break Brit Blockade
Gamble: forced Brit into capitulation
Ludendorff Offensives
unable to sustain loss
destroyed morale
Last Straw & collapse of army
verge of starvation & US entry
risk everything on quick victory
800,000 casualties
Broke Ludendorff's nerve demanding quick end to save army from destruction
choice of Allies
AH = burden
outdated military lacked modernization
disunited leadership
weaker than Russia
Germany had to come to aid = stretch resources
weaker alliance with fewer combined resources
Balkan wars = economic losses
no fully prepared
misuse of tech
tanks: few in number and technically inferior (Germany only produced 20)
aircraft: technically superior but possessed in fewer numbers
machine guns: parity
Ammunition: never ran out but increasing difficulties in access to resources to manufacture
Submarines processed in greater numbers but misused
Managing the Home Front
Overall & leadership
chaotic bureaucratic systems
few policies to alleviate hardship
priorities were on the military (83%vs. 2%)
Hindenburg programme and demand for sacrifice caused resentments
chaos of bureaucratic jungle = counter productive decisions (kill pigs)
key interest groups = limited effectiveness
food & rationing
severe malnutrition
inefficient regulation
little to alleviate hardship
hunger + queuing + black market + war profiteering
affect ability to supply troops
bureaucratic morass = corporations compete with feral gos
War Food Office = powerless
750,000 death
political polarization in last 2 years
1916: opposition due to huge losses
question sacrifice
hunger + long working hours + Hindenburg Programme = resentment
emerged strikes & rallies challenging the dictatorship
further inspired by Russian revolution + USA entry
even more strikes and mutinies industry stopped work
huge casualties & hunger
tightening military leadership and demanding sacrifice
frustration led to violence
economic situation + continue military failure = internal collaspe
severe labour shortages
did not employ women to that scale
lack or raw materials hindering production
having to cut down on civilian goods
attempt at bringing industry under control but never as successful (key interest groups)
Hindenburg Programme was only a strain on economy
Supreme War office couldn't solve the bureaucratic mess due to interests groups
Auxiliary Labour Law caused resentment and failed to mobilise labour because of absolute shortages
Allied strength
British blockade & control of the sea
dreadful food shortages
starve the German population into submission
N Sea & Eng Channel = inspection of Neutral shipping
fell in production
stop imports = Royal Navy seized goods
had the control over the trade routes
able to supply itself + stop supplies to enemy
move troops across Brit empire
transport US men and resources in the final stage
counter German Uboat
convoy system
supplies from USA and colonies
never real shortages
1918 counter-offensives
economic & resources
better at mobilizing the economy
2m soldiers lacking war weainess
massive economic resources supplying money weaponry and warships
the knowledge = stiffen Allied resolve & shaken Germans morale
boosted resources
Generally more men & resources
far greater reserves (Brit & Russian empires)
saw a rise in production
food supplies were less affected by blockade + government distribution measures were effective
Brit Empire 2.5+ m
top industrial capacity (Br Fr USA)
Tanks: possessed in greater numbers + technically superior
Better employment of tech
tanks + artillery + aircraft + infantry in close cooperation
took the lead in using planes in conjunction with infantry tanks and artillery = better coordination
1918 important role in victory
Machine gun: parity
ammunition: inadequate supplies 1915 but recovered rapidly
Submarines possessed in fewer numbers but were able to conquer
management of Home front
overall & leadership
more collectivism and war time consensus
Lloyd George & Ministry of Munitions
1915 Great Shell shortage
nationalise factories + national factories
employment of women
ammunition output (machine gun) increased drastically
'war socialism' was effective saw an increase in production
food & shortages
government subsidy and price control
systematic rationing 1918 with Ministry of Food and National Ration book and strict regulation
no real shortages = amount allowed was generous
consumption/diet increased
malnutrition fell by 50%
Technology (general)
itself not decisive but shaped the nature of the war
although generally even but the Allies were better at utilizing them
technology available not sufficient to break deadlock
no side had clear superiority
only after 1918: end of attrition + made better use of tech to carry out mobile and decisive warfare where Allied were better at
reconnaissance eliminated element of surprise
used to support infantry
not strong enough to destroy trenches
strategic bombing was more limited and psychological
development allowed change of tactics in the final campaign 1918
Machine guns
devastating effects but favoured defencers
made offensive harder
large range
broke down
used as armoured shelter for soldiers
Trench warfare
defensive and deadlier for attackers (twice as casualties)
machine gun + artillery + barbed wires for defense
no decisive breakthroughs
therefore settles in war of attrition - win by wearing down enemy
not accurate effective enough to destroy all the defence
not mobile to protect attackers
barrage gave warning - no surprise
war of attrition (general)
favoured the side more able to sustain
Central Powers combined reserves of manpower and supplies were inferior 1918
a contest of resources, manpower and endurance
industrial capacity essential = production to support a prolonged war