Student Professional Development by CR Mohammad Afizul Mohammad
Tips for Internship
- Survey the organisation which suitable your interest
- Prepare a completed resume and application letter
- Check resume and complete application letter
- Send email or post resume and completed application letter
- Follow up resume and application letter
- Respond received or reject letter with kind
- Survey office location for self reporting
- Be punctual
- Help/do/discuss desk file
- Always discipline to go to work early
- Show a helpful attitude
- Hardworking
- Like to ask if you do not know
- Associating with all staffs and departments
- Show sincerity
- Ask for feedback and improvement
- Send a copy of the intern report to the employer
- Use powerful communication
List of student's mistake during interview
- Clothes are too tight or too loose
- Informal dress
- Unpleasant smell
- Wearing too many colors and decorations
- Resume like novels
- Resume copy paste
- No additional skill
- Not sincere
- Visual
- Auditory
- Kinesthetic
Seeing & reading
Listening & speaking
Touching & doing