Student Professional Development by CR Mohammad Afizul Mohammad

Tips for Internship

  1. Survey the organisation which suitable your interest
  1. Prepare a completed resume and application letter
  1. Check resume and complete application letter
  1. Send email or post resume and completed application letter
  1. Follow up resume and application letter
  1. Respond received or reject letter with kind
  1. Survey office location for self reporting
  1. Be punctual
  1. Help/do/discuss desk file
  1. Always discipline to go to work early
  1. Show a helpful attitude
  1. Hardworking
  1. Like to ask if you do not know
  1. Associating with all staffs and departments
  1. Show sincerity
  1. Ask for feedback and improvement
  1. Send a copy of the intern report to the employer
  1. Use powerful communication

List of student's mistake during interview

  1. Clothes are too tight or too loose
  1. Informal dress
  1. Unpleasant smell
  1. Wearing too many colors and decorations
  1. Resume like novels
  1. Resume copy paste
  1. No additional skill
  1. Not sincere


  1. Visual
  1. Auditory
  1. Kinesthetic

Seeing & reading

Listening & speaking

Touching & doing