1 “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”
“Un bambino, un insegnante, un libro e una penna possono cambiare il mondo.”
COMMENTO: Malala with this sentence wants to tell us that everyone can make a difference
2 "Being the first of the class doesn't matter if you can't study at all. When someone takes your pen out of your hand, then you really understand how important education is. "“Essere la prima della classe non ha nessuna importanza, se non puoi studiare affatto. Quando qualcuno ti toglie la penna di mano, allora sì che capisci davvero quanto sia importante l’istruzione.”
COMMENTO: Malala with this sentence wants us to understand how important education is and that we will never understand it until someone takes it away
3 "No fight can end victoriously if women do not participate in it alongside men. In the world there are two powers: that of the sword and that of the pen. But in reality there is a third, stronger than both, and it is that of women. "“Nessuna lotta può concludersi vittoriosamente se le donne non vi partecipano a fianco degli uomini. Al mondo ci sono due poteri: quello della spada e quello della penna. Ma in realtà ce n’è un terzo, più forte di entrambi, ed è quello delle donne.”
COMMENTO: Malala with this sentence wants to tell us that men are not strong if there is no woman next to them and that women are the strongest weapon
4 "We take our books and our pens in our hands. They are our most powerful weapons. "“Prendiamo in mano i nostri libri e le nostre penne. Sono le nostre armi più potenti.”
COMMENTO: Malala with this sentence wants to tell us that education is our most powerful weapon
5 „It is so hard to get things done in this world. You try and too often it doesn't work. But you have to continue. And you never give up. “
"È così difficile fare le cose in questo mondo. Ci provi e troppo spesso non funziona. Ma devi continuare. E non ti arrendi mai. "
COMMENTO: Malala with this sentence wants to tell us that even if the world is difficult to change, we must never give up and we must continue to fight.