Throughout the year I ended up reading 10 different books in total, all with a great variety of genres. Several of the books that I read were distopian, some were historical fiction, and a few were exact historical time periods from a certain point in history. I actually found one of my favorite books through this project: Beneath A Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan. The story is based on a true story about a young Italian boy who deals with the events of WWII and Nazi occupation in Italy. I also read a book about the Victorian Era that was historically accurate. That particular book was especially interesting because it was set in a time period which I am really fascinated by. It also directly correlates to the historical documentaries that my mom and I were watching at the time. In total, the books that I read this year include: Crossing the Tracks by Barbara Stuber, Catalyst by Kristin Smith, Forgotten by Kristin Smith, Dream Strider by Lindsay Smith, Fearless by Kristin Smith, Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan, Every Day by David Levithan, Another Day by David Levithan, Someday by David Levithan, and Victoria by Daisy Goodwin.