Barnea-Goraly et al (2005): 34 children 6-19 yrs. Correlation graph btwn fractional anisotropy (FA) values in brain regions & age. During childhood & adolescence white matter anisotropy changes in brain regions that are important for attention, cognitive ability, memory & motor skills. Anisotropy: a diff btwn a material’s physical properties. Paper: Maturation (or development) of brain white matter pathways is important factor in cognitive, behavioural, emotional & motor development during childhood & adolescence. Investigate white matter maturation as reflected changes anisotropy & white matter density w/ age. 30-4yrs children & adolescents aged 6-19 years received magnetic resonance imaging scans. Among 30 children & adolescents received high-resolution anatomical scans. Age was associated w/ FA values in frontal gyrus & DLPFC (dorsalolateral prefrontal cortex). study demonstrates that during childhood & adolescence, white matter anisotropy changes in brain regions important for attention, motor skills, cognitive ability, & memory. typical developmental trajectory may be altered in individuals’ w/ disorders of development, cognition & behavior.