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RE - Theme : Religion and Life (The origins and value of human life…
RE - Theme : Religion and Life
The origins and value of the universe
Origins of the universe
Islamic Creation Story
6 distinct phases
No rest day
God created the universe with His divine word
God's creation never ends, continues with every birth and seed that grows
Started as a 'smoke material'
Christian Creation Story
Light, Sky / Water, Lands and plants, Sun / Moon / Stars, Fish / Birds, Animals / Humans, Rest
Took place over 7 days, or 7 yoms which means ages
Duty of humans to protect the world as it is valuable
Stewardship (Khalifah)
God gave humans the responsibility to look after the world, to continue looking after His creations. Maintain harmony and balance between all that was created
Islam Quote : It is He who has made you successors on the earth
In Christianity this is the responsibility originally given to Adam in the Garden of Eden as told in the Genesis Creation account
Only Christian belief
Humans were given power and authority to rule over other animals and the world
'God blessed them and said to them ... fill the earth and subdue it'
A duty to care for, or having control over something or someone
Awe and wonder
Nature is amazing because it includes everything necessary for life and reflects the glory of God
Use and abuse of the environment / Pollution
A religious believer would want to reverse the negative, harmful impacts of pollution
Try not to be greedy and over consume
'Do not seek from it more than what you need' - Islam (Hadith)
The Earth belongs to God
'The Earth is the Lord's and everything in it' - Christianity
'Allah's only is the Creation and the Command' - Islam
Charity's such as Thames 21 work to provide clean water sources, and particularly to clear up the Thames
New technologies, alternative energy
Use and abuse of animals
Animal experimentation is wrong
Experimenting on animals causes them to suffer which is immoral
'The question is not, 'Can they reason?' nor, 'can they talk?' but rather, 'can they suffer'?' - Jeremy Bentahm
Experimenting on animals is for the greater good
More utility is created
Sikhism accepts this as advancements in medicine enable their duty of service (sewa) to others
Animal cruelty is haram
Muhammad is a role model who cut his cloth rather than disturb a sleeping cat
It is acceptable as humans are more important
The RCC says it is acceptable if it is serving the purpose of 'caring for or saving human lives'
JC : There are alternatives to testing on animals, such as test tube studies --> This would create the most utility and the least disutility
Not always for the greater good as animals' skin reacts differently to human skins
Use of animals as food is wrong
Factory farming isn't compassionate as creates suffering
'The righteous care for the needs of their animals' - Christianity
All living creatures should be respected as made by God
'Allah has created every animal from water' - Islam
Animal cruelty is haram
Muhammad is a role model who cut his cloth rather than disturb a sleeping cat
It is permissible to eat animals as humans are more important
'God blessed them and said to them ... fill the earth and subdue it' - Christianity
Permissible if done in the 'name of God'
Using a sharp knife to cut the throat, and not done in front of other animals, makes it 'halal'
Halal as long as it isn't 'dedicated to other than Allah'
JC : Even if it is permissible, if it is avoidable, it is better to not harm animals at all
The origins and value of human life
Sanctity of life
All life is sacred as it is created by God, it is not in the place of humans to supercede this
'I, your God, give life, and I take it away' - Christianity
Muslims would believe abortions are acceptable when defending a woman's right to life
The soul is said to become part of the foetus at conception, abortion before then is not murder
The origins of life
Natural selection
Variation is difference in genes
Those more suited to environment more likely to survive and reproduce, therefore passing on beneficial traits
For example squirrels and volcanic rock
Religious teachings
God moulded the first man from clay
'You were lifeless and He gave you life'
God allowed them to stay in paradise but they disobeyed him by eating from the tree
This confirmed that Iblis was the enemy of man
God is still merciful as those who submit to his will, can be saved and obtain eternal life
Can they coexist?
Are religious creation stories and evolution compatible
Neither contradicts with the other
Myth view - Genesis isn't a scientific account, only explains religious truths, so doesn't contradict with big bang theory or evolution
They are both different names for the same, ongoing process
Example of a plant growing, it is Allah who brings the plant into being, Creation is never done
They contradict on the reason for humans existing the way that they are
Fundamentalist view - Genesis is infallible and cannot be wrong
'God created man in His own image'
The events directly contradict
God directly created man from clay, not from natural selection
'You were lifeless and He gave you life'
Justified Conclusion
Genesis myth view reveals religious truths, but these religious truths are not supported by evolution
Evolution doesn't say that Allah is the cause of natural processes, but that they are simply results of natural laws
Abortion, acceptable or not?
Abortion is murder, which is wrong
'Do not kill' - Christianity
An unborn child has senses and feelings, therefore benevolent thing to do would be to not abort them
The UN states children need protection before and after birth
Lesser of two evils
The world is already over populated, so to bring another unwanted child into it wouldn't be benevolent. If you loved the unborn child you would abort it.
'it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong' - Jeremy Bentham
Life is precious and holy
When there is a risk to the mother's health, abortion may be acceptable
'I, your God, give life, and I take it away' - Christianity
Euthanasia, acceptable or not?
Euthanasia is murder
'Do not kill' - Christianity
Euthanasia is the lesser of two evils
'where ... keeping them alive leads to more suffering, then termination of life is permitted' - Dalai Lama (Buddhism)
Life should be allowed to run its natural course
'Doctors do not have an overriding obligation to prolong life by all means possible' - Church of England
Enabling euthanasia is sinful
'No one can die except by Allah's leave' - Islam
Beliefs about death and the afterlife (impact on beliefs about value of human life)
Hindus believe abortions rob a soul of its opportunity to repay karmic consequences
Is believe in life after death reasonable?
There is no physical evidence of a place for the soul to go
There is no proof of a soul
Jesus' ressurection proves that there is life after death, multiple separate accounts in the Bible
Mary Magdalene is said to be eyewitness in all accounts
Life after death doesn't contradict science
John Hick Replica Theory (Bodily resurrection)
People are given a new immortal body when resurrected, does not age or decay
Quality of life
The standard of health, comfort and happiness/fulfillment experienced by a person or group.