Cold War Ashley, Nadia and Salome

Rivalry, Mistrust and Accord

Cold War Crises

Leaders and Nations

The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Berlin Crises

Cuban exiles were trained by the CIA to invade Cuba in hopes of removing Castro and stopping communism fro spreading. Cuba allies with the Soviet Union causing the Soviet Union to place missiles 90 miles away from the United States. Causing Americans to panic.

The 1st Berlin Crisis

The 2nd Berlin Crisis


Grand alliances and superpowers in Asia and Europe from 1943-49

The US, USSR and China
Superpower relations (1947-1962)

The US and USSR were two large powerful countries allied during WWII.

Although China had alliances with the US and USSR at one point is was constantly seen as inferior.

Fear of aggression

Economic benefits

Ideology difference



Roles of the US vs the USSR



Sino-Soviet and Sino-U.S. relations(how China is included in this conflict)







Peaceful Co-existence

The second Berlin Crisis occurred in 1958-1961. This was due to the fact that many people that lived within Eastern Europe fled to Berlin in order to get to Western Europe because it was prosperous. This caused the Soviet Union to put up a wall of barbed wire at first then it was upgraded to a concrete wall.

The 1st Berlin Crisis also known as, The Berlin blockade, and The Berlin Airlift occurred on June 24,1948 and ended on May 12, 1949. This event is one of the first major international crisis within the cold war.The 1st Berlin crisis occurred because the Soviet Union blocked all railroads, roads and canals that were under Western control. Many individuals were starving due to everything being blocked. The United States turned to flying in supplies for the people within the blockaded areas.

Iron Curtain: the separation of East to West Europe as the satellite nations are isolated.

satellite states like Hungary and Poland were under the USSR

Poland and Hungary situation

Berlin crisis and his ultimatum.

It was a policy where the US had feared the spread of communism so much that they were trying to contain it where it exists instead of the Roll back policy that had urged to free the satellite nations.

President Eisenhower was willing to negotiate peace and coexistence of two opposite ideologies and that the two countries wouldn't attack each other.

The US had used a triangle of isolation to have diplomacy relations with China to cut of their relations with the USSR ultimately cutting off the USSR from the world and having them isolated

The US was a capitalist nation an has a free and open market that is barely controlled by the state. The US promotes democracy and free elections. The US feared the spread of Communism.

As the USSR and the allies defeated the Nazis the countries in Eastern Europe were liberated and the Soviets wanted to use those countriesas a bufferzone and promised free elections

The USSR wanted reparations however the allies and the US feared the Same fate as WWII so they instead took over territories and split it up all for their economic benefits.

The US had been the liberator in Western Europe and the USSR had helped liberate countries in Eastern Europe and helped fight Japan until the atomic bombs were dropped.

Berlin Wall was decided during his time. The wall was built on August of 1963.

Always cautious due to the Bay of Pigs fiasco

Not sure what to do about the cuban missile crisis




adopted a policy of containment toward Soviet expansion and the spread of communism

proposed an "open skies" policy that suggested the US and the SU would conduct air inspections of each other's military programs

The USSR is communist and believes in total equality both economically and socially. However they did not want their satellite states to be democratic of capitalist.

Cuban Missile Crisis: when the USSR sent mid range missiles to Cuba. 90 miles from the US shore.

Nationalized all Cuban businesses and drove out US influence

Stop the transportation of weapons to Cuba without aggression.


The US would try to peacefully negotiate with Cuba possibly removing the Jupiter missiles from Turkey.

Like the Bay of Pigs the US would once again plan to invade Cuba with its superior military.

Mao had been the communist leader with influence n Asia including the Korean War.

Truman Doctrine