'I was never a lover yet; but I begin to have a shrewd guess what 'tis to be so, and fancy is very pretty to sigh, and sing, and blush, and wish, and dream and wish, and long and wish to see the man' the line is almost breathless, the extension granted by the repeated 'and' accentuates her longing until it reaches a crescendo of desire. She sees her sexuality and a lover as an escapist ideal, a similar kind of libertine philosophy that Willmore so brashly advocates. She is also pinning her aspirations onto men
Hellena focuses on her corporeality and the biological and natural physical desire, 'Have I not a world of youth? A humour gay? A beauty passable?... Well shaped?' she combines the attributes of personality to give a complex and energetic portrayal of her vitality and desire. She demands to be treated as a human subject before the labels of signifiers limit her.