Flow Chart of Bussines Permit on Teras Abang based on law P.22/2012



Vishnu Investment Group

Dinas Penanaman Modal & PTSP (PMPTSP) Bali

Administration documents must be provided by the company

a. Deed of establishment of the company and its amendments;

b. Business permit of company / Surat izin usaha perdagangan;

c. Tax ID number / Nomor pokok wajib pajak;

d. Letter of capital ownership or bank reference / Surat keterangan kepemilikan modal atau referensi bank;

e. Company profile;

f. Proposal/plan for business activities for the facilities

Technical documents must be provided by the company

Technical considerations from the head of Forestry Department in Bali

Technical considerations from the head of tourism department in Bali

Technical considerations from the head of Natural Resources Conservation Center / Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam

Administration documents must be sent to Dinas Penanaman modal & PTSP

Governor of Bali

Department of Forestry in Bali

Governor of Bali

After receiving the document, the Governor will ask the department of forestry to check the required documents.

Documents received from the company will be examined. PMPTSP will ask department of forestry, tourism and natural resources of Bali to send letter of technical considerations to PMPTSP, if the documents complete, they will send documents to the Governor

Department of forestry will check all required documents. The results of the assessment will be submitted to the Governor.

After receiving the results of the assessment, the governor will issue a principle approval for the company

The Principle Approval

Vishnu Investment Group

Dinas Penanaman Modal & PTSP (PMPTSP) Bali

Governor of Bali

Department of Forestry in Bali

Governor of Bali

After receiving the results of the inspection, the governor will issue a business permit for the company

Business Permit on Providing Natural Tourism

The forestry Departmen will check fulfillment of obligations. The results of the examination will be submitted to the Governor.

After receiving the document, the Governor will ask the Forestry Department to conduct an inspection of the fulfillment of obligations

Documents received from the company will be examined, if the documents complete, they will be sent to the Governor


a. Make a map of the planned area of business activities with the smallest scale of 1: 25,000 (one in twenty-five thousand) equipped with geographical coordinates known by the Head of the forestry department in Bali;

b. Make plans for exploiting natural tourism;

c. Conduct boundary arrangements supervised by the Department of Forestry in Bali on the area requested;

d. Prepare and submit documents on Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts;

e. Pay business permit fees in accordance with laws and regulations.

The company must complete all obligations after receiving the principle approval in period of 1 year

After completing all obligations, the company sends the documents to Dinas penanaman modal

After receiving permit, the company can start the construction

Business permit is granted within 35 years and can be extended for another 20 years and can be extended again

We cannot pay right now because the government did not count this fees on law PP 12/2014, so we can say that we get this permit for "free"

But we need to sign an agreement under Notary that we are able to pay it if there will be fees in the future

If these 3 departments don't send any letter of technical consideration to PMPTSP in 30 days after sending the requests, then PMPTSP can send the documents application directly to Governor without technical considerations