RE: Social Justice

Presentation options

Issues that interest me

Litter -> Stewardship of the Earth

Custodian of the earth ( Aboriginal and TI and Mel and Pol)

race (racism)

Poster/Stickers -> Clear message

Illustrator or Publisher


age (ageism)

gender (sexism)

equal pay


Choose an issue of justice that you feel passionate about. Create an advertising campaign that will motivate people to want to change their attitudes and behaviors about your issue.

The campaign must include:
-scriptural themes or messages of justice
-the relevant principles of Catholic Social Teaching: dignity of the human person, stewardship, solidarity and subsidiarity etc.
-one scriptural reference, correctly cited in your campaign.

Technical Specs

Submitted into Seqta and Turnitin

One draft only

600 – 1000 words

4 weeks class and home time