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Human Trafficking (Poverty (People have no money for food or other…
Human Trafficking
Little to no education
People do not know whether to trust the traffickers
They beleive that by moving with the traffickers they will get married or have a better job/life
:red_flag: :black_flag: :checkered_flag:
People have no money for food or other nessecary things
The parents stop caring for their child, and send them to the streets or an orphanage
Child is coerced by the traffickers to go with them with promises of a better life
:red_flag: :black_flag: :checkered_flag:
The parents are approached by a pimp who offers to buy their child off them for money, often very small amount
The child is bought and taken away from their parents
:red_flag: :black_flag: :checkered_flag:
They are not able to leave as they are often not in their home country or region so do not know the language or traditions. They may have a bond to their traffickers that they have to repay them. Cant go to police as they often do not have their papers or passport with them
Natural disaster has occurred and people dont have homes or money because of this
The people who have been affected are willing to do things so that they can protect themselves and build their futures
Traffickers approach them and offer to move them to safe areas, trafficking increased because they dont have the money to do so
They are decieved and are taken away to other places.
:red_flag: :black_flag: :checkered_flag:
Trafficking doesnt occur as much after a natural distaster is the area is not impovershed, the people often have enough money to rebuild their lives
Profit and organised crime
Traffickers are part of highly organised organisations across regions and countries. They adapt and stay ahead of the authorities/have connections to keep them out of trouble
The trafficked people are not able to leave or go to the authorities as they often do not have paper work which is taken for "paper work". The authorities would send them back to the brothels they came from, or they might be sent to prison
The earnings from the trafficking trade are very large. some girls can earn their owners up to $67,000 per year . Recruiters get paid well per each person.
The large sums compel more people to join and stay in the trade, this means that the traffickers want to continue with their business, to further their profits.
More people will enter the trafficking business, to meet the need for the brthel owners and those who partake in the use of trafficked people
The industry grows and stems from this. The profit for the traffickers is large, it has low costs and often very little consequences. It satisfies customer needs and those involved in the industry work together to keep the trafficked people with them
Effect on people
The effect that human trafficking has on people depends on whose perspective you are looking from.
From the trafficked people who do not wish to be a part of the trafficking cycle, the effect is very bad. They want to leave but do not have a choice to do so as they are often owned by the traffickers or the police will not help them
They are not allowed their basic rights to life and are held captive away from their families and where they want to be.
From the traffickes perspective, Human trafficking is good because it provides a large income and serves customer needs.
They profit from it and often do not care about the needs or care for what other people require in their lives
Destination countries
Destination countries/areas are countries/areas that the people that have been taken/trafficked are moved to. These can be both internal and external to their home countries.
People are often taken from poor villages that have little money or education present in them.
The traffickers take orphaned children off the streets with promises of a better life and/or food and money
The people are taken and moved to large cities where they will work, and essentially be owned as a slave to the trafficker that took them. :red_flag: :black_flag: :checkered_flag:
People are paid to move the trafficked persons from their home area/country to their new place of work.
There are some common trafficking routes that exist in the world currently.
Some of these common routes are from South America to North America, North East Europe to South and West Europe, Thailand to Australia and Internally and Central Africa to South Africa.
Common destination countries are USA, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Germany, Thailand, Japan, Columbia, Brazil, Benin, Ghana, Morocco and China
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Common Source countries are Russia, China, Thailand, Nigeria, Lituania, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Albania
People from these poor villages are often willing to sell their children to the traffickers for small amounts of money.
The people are not educated well and do not know that they should not trust these people.
Source countries
Source countries/areas are countries/areas that have the trafficked people have been taken from. These can be both the same or different to their destination country.
These people have little to no defense against the traffickers and are taken, moved to new areas. Often they are moved to bigger cities and town within their same country or across borders.
:red_flag: :black_flag: :checkered_flag:
Effect on environment
The cultural environment has been greatly affected by human trafficking. It goes against peoples beliefes and values.
They some people are denied basic rights to life and they have little to no choice or ownership of their bodies. The cultural environment surrounding human trafficking is decreasing with the changes occurring in todays society.
:red_flag: = Sold to a pimp, :black_flag: = Prostitution, :checkered_flag: = Forced to work in a factory