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Attraction & Seduction (Dealing with women (EH (Love kinky sex (Even…
Attraction & Seduction
Only give then a 80° face, never straight looking into both of their eyes.
Be Handsome
Hair removal
Pubic hair
Just trim the top part, the scrotum, and the shaft of your penis.
Dealing with women
A man exhibiting Mode One Behavior will see right through this façade. For these reasons, among others, EHs get very, very frustrated when they encounter a man who exhibits Mode One Behavior.
“I beg your pardon??!!” “How dare you talk to me like that!!!” “You don’t even KNOW ME!!!” “Do you know what type of guys I date??!!” These are all common responses from your average EH.
EH will usually harshly criticize your manner of expression, but if they’re interested in you, they will never make an attempt to [immediately] end their interaction with you.
they will test you to see if you’re going to apologize or become defensive. If you do, you are dead meat. If you stand your ground, and behave composed and unaffected by their opinionated insults and subjective criticisms, they will usually give in to your desires.:red_flag:
As I mentioned, EHs will usually have the type of sex they really like with someone other than their boyfriend, fiancé, or husband.
Why not do it with their significant ones?
A: Because this would totally ruin the manipulative game that they are trying to play.
In the same manner that most WPs are similar to a man who exhibits Mode Two Behavior, EHs’ behavior is very similar to a man who exhibits Mode Three Behavior.
Classic sample
I loved Vince Vaughn's character of "Trent" in "Swingers." His character was refreshingly "real." I though Jon Favreau did an excellent job creating his own character of "Mike," to play off of Trent.
Another "realistic" chick flick was "Chasing Amy." I love that movie. This movie goes to the heart of how many men think. Specifically, most men typically can't handle knowing that their girlfriend, or the woman they desire to be their next girlfriend, has engaged in "kinky, promiscuous" sex in their past.
"Talk Dirty To Me," "Talk Dirty To Me, Part II," or "Nothing To Hide," I believe these adult films portray women fairly realistically.
In real life, the vast majority of women fall somewhere in-between those two extremes. (“innocent, wholesome, prudish good girls,” or complete “whores” and/or “bitches.”)
For most men, "serious relationships" usually develop unexpectedly. You literally just wake up one day, and realize that you want to spend more and more time with a woman in an exclusive manner.
Especially, if they're above-average looking, and enjoy a certain degree of popularity with single women.
Deep-down, most men don't like to feel obligated to use either one of those highly manipulative tactics. Over 90% of the reason why most men excessively flatter women, and/or very quickly offer to 'wine & dine' them, is to motivate them to have sex with them.
In real life, that is not the case for most men. Most men, and particularly, handsome men with above-average popularity, usually have to be “persuaded” to become monogamous with one woman.
Most men don't think about "true love." That is a female thing. When most men initially meet women, the #1 thing on their mind is having sex.
Some women may think that is “shallow,” or “immature,” but that is real.
MEN: Quit placing unfair, subjective moral judgments on women. Don’t persuade them to have sex with you quickly, and then turn around and bad mouth them to your friends. All you’re doing is motivating women to exhibit more and more manipulative behavior towards other men.
WOMEN: Quit being deceptive and manipulative for the sake of finding a husband. Marry a man who loves you for who you really are, instead of marrying a man who loves you for who they think you are. The truth ALWAYS has a way of revealing itself.