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Sound Changes (West Germanic -> Old English (i-mutation (if a stressed…
Sound Changes
West Germanic -> Old English
WG /ae:/, /e:/, /i:/
h / hC / lC / rC -> OE /aea/, /eo/ /io/
Conditioned change
armaz -> earm
Restoration of /a:/
dagaz -> daeg faet -> fatu --- faer -> faran
fronted /ae:/ is restored to /a/ when there was a back vowel in the following syllable
Conditioned change
First Fronting
/a:/ is followed by a nasal /a:/ + nasal -> a or o: Hand -> hand or hond
WG /a:/ -> OE /ae:/ Kraft -> craeft
Sponti change
if a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable which contains an [i] or [j], then the vowel in the first syllable is fronted or raised
/a(:) > ae(:)/, , less commonly /e > i/.
/o(:) > oe(:) > e(:)/,
/u(:) > y(:)
/ea(:), eo(:), io(:) > ie(:)/
foot – feet
mūsiz -> mysiz -> inflection lost : mis -> mys
derivation patterns: leosan 'to lose' -> lyre 'loss'
grammatical contrasts: plural of root nouns: mann -> menn AND comparative and superlative of certain adjectives: eald -> ieldra -> ieldest
Palatal diphthongs
WG: scaell -> OE sceall gefan -> giefan
/ʃ/ <sc>, /tʃ/ <c>, /j/ <g> + /ae(:)/ or /e(:)/ > /ea/, /ie
West Germanic Diphthongs
WG /ai/ -> OE /a:/ heim -> hām
Sponti change
WG: /au/ -> OE ae:a/ = <ea> baum -> beam
Grimms law
voiced stops -> voiceless stops: IE
b d g gw > Gmc.
p t k kw
Voicelss stops -> voiceless fricatives: IE
p t k kw > Gmc.
f þ h hw
voiced aspirated stops -> voiced fricatives/stops: IE
bh dh gh gwh> Gmc.
ƀ đ ǥ gwh
Verner's Law