Using prosodic cues – stress cues: In ‘stress langs’, adults use a Metrical Segmentation Strategy to segment speech into words (e.g. stressed syllable of10 denotes start of new word) Jusczyk, Cutler & Redanz (1993): Btwn 6-9 mo, infants develop a pref for dominant lang stress pattern: Strong/Weak:e.g. kingdom, butter, sinus or Weak/Strong: e.g. resent, guitar, befall. 9-month-olds preferred S/W to W/S – but 6mos didn’t show a pref. Jusczyk et al. (1999) gave infants a choice of lis10ing to sen10ces that contained or did not contain familiarised words. 7.5mo who heard strong/weak words preferred sentences containing familiarised words. Native lang stress patterns facilitate segmentation of speech?