Muslim Leaders

Before Zengi




After Saladin

Rise of Zengi

How good was he?

Actions against crusader states

Why was he able to take Edessa?

Role of Jihad






Muslim Unity



agreement with crusader states

Long term Weaknesses of Edessa

Rise of Muslim strength and unity

Frankish weaknesses



Rise of Nureddin

actions against crusader states

agreement with crusader states

Muslim Unity

Jihad rhetoric

Military expertise


Harim 1164

Rise of Saladin

Melisende and Baldwin in Feud of Jerusalem

Melisende sends troops but they don't arrive in time

Means not a united front against Muslim foreces

Lack of Armenian troops

Franks ruled from Castles so not near the Armenian countryside

Armenians, the majority of the force, suffered from constant turkish invasions

lack of manpower

spent 26 years trying to take damascus instead of attacking crusader states

Turcoman and Kurdish troops join him voluntarily

Surrounded himself w/ religious ppl

his Jihadi rhetoric convinced them

didn't unite with Egypt

not good Mujahid

regularly consumed alcohol

swore on Qur'an that he would not harm citizens of Balbeck when he took it and then massacres them

attacked Muslim neighbours

spent 26 years trying to get Damascus


1135: ruler of damascus asked for Zengi's help b/c his ppl were trying to overthrow him


opportunistic attack

Joscelin was away

Zengi took advantage of this and weakness of the garrison



a lot of its border was surrounded by Muslim enemies

Furthest away from Jerusalem

sultanate of Rum quite nearby

not much military help

Tughtegin died in 1128

created power vacuum threatening to open Syria to threat of Frankish invasion

Baalbek 1139

He swore on Qur'an he wouldn't harm citizens and then massacred them

seen as a tyrant and untrustworthy

Meant that he was powerful because people feared him

in army would crucify someone if they trampled on crops = good discipline

Possessed a lot of land by 1146

Mosul, Aleppo and Edessa to the North of crusader states

united force meant could get resources a lot of places

sunni-Shi'ah split

Egypt ruled by Fatimids

1127: Became atabeg of Mosul

1128: took aleppo

religious advisors and civil servants

first to form alliance between religion and the battlefield

ruler was killed + Damascus allied with Franks against zengi


1137 allied with Franks because fear that Zengi would take over

May 1138: Zengi married the heiress of Damascus

1137: reaction to frankish alliance with Damascus against him

Besieged frankish fortress of Bar'in and defeated Franks

1137: Barin

allowed Fulk to flee with surviving troops

then made peace with Damascus

1139: Zengi marched to besiege Damascus

Damascenes allied with Franks

Zengi failed in the siege

never actually took damascus

No Jihad before then

1098: massacre at Marrat and Jerusalem

wanted to call for Jihad but only the Caliph in Baghdad can do so and he refused

144: takes edessa

1146: dies

1104: important port Acre was taken

Al-Sulami preaches Jihad but nothing done

not always brutal

1137: Allows Fulk to flee Barin with his surviving troops

1136: takes Marrat

gives it to original heirs who had become refugees = generous

not at forefront of cause yet

not as good at it as other leaders

doesn't fully come into battle field yet - spends a lot of time fighting against Muslims in Damascus (mostly diplomacy)

inherits it from his stepfather Kerbogha

lack of manpower

lack of religious significance

not a pentarchy city like Jerusalem

would impact motivations for second crusade

only major impact was on Edessa

let Fulk go in 1137 at Barin

Birth father was the governor and the sultan gave it to him because of his help against the rebel caliph

Promoted Jihad

Personal piety

organised public readings in mosques

emphasised virtue of Jerusalem

Won over sympathy of Muslim public

Built public buildings such as religious houses, madrasas, hospitals

virtue of poverty

wore plain clothes

abolished taxes

went on pilgrimage in 1162 (after fell ill?)

renounced alcohol (comparison to Zengi)

not Jihadi rhetoric


did fight to gain egypt = not really muslim unity because had to fight against Shawar

didn't like Saladin = sometimes didn't unite with him because worried he would get too powerful

actually planned an attack on Egypt against Saladin but died beforehand

May have just been power hungry

Egypt has a lot of economic value

Encircling Outremer with egypt meant that it would be easier to defeat them and gain their land



adult caliph died in 1149 leading to a series of child caliphs

meant that Shawar was vying for power vs Shirkuh

confrontations between the two sides = 1167 inconclusive victory

Shawar in power but couldn't pay tribute to franks and was not popular

Shirkuh entered Cairo 1169: died the same year


1149 Unur of Damascus died and the new leader Abaq was not popular

Nureddin blockaded city

people didn't like the alliance with Jerusalem

Abaq became even less popular and fled to the citadel

Nureddin entered the city peacefully with gifts of food 1154

he inherited Aleppo

brother got Mosul - no longer united

Was quick to take Edessa after death of Zengi

when brother died, leader of Mosul recognised Nureddin as overlord

Battle of Inab 1149

defeated Raymond of Poitiers

pushed Antioch's eastern border closer to the city

Capture Apamea

Amalric launced attack on Egypt = opportunity

besieged fortress

because of success of Al-Buqaia Reginald (w/ Raymond, Bohemond and Joscelin) recklessly charged = massacre


Raymond of Tripoli



Muslim Unity

Actions against Franks



truces with franks

Third crusade

took Jerusalem

Jihadi rhetoric


gained it by playing Nureddin against Fatimids

e.g. added Nureddin's name in friday prayers because of tensions between them

Able to defeat the opposition e.g. are pro Nureddin turk by gaining support of Military

Placed family and trusted ones in places of power

Father in control of treasuries of damietta and Alexandria

more control meant he could remove fatimid caliph from friday prayers and add Baghdad instead


death of Nureddin meant that his 11 year old son was in charge

Sayf ad din (not first one) took Aleppo and Damascus by overthrowing their leaders

Saladin used Jihadi rhetoric to criticise him

Damascus welcomed him with open arms and in 1174 he entered as governor

Aleppo and Mosul

attacked Saladin in 1175 at Hama

Saladin defeated them

attacked again and were defeated meant Aleppo surrendered

1181: When Saif ad-Din died he took Aleppo

By 1181 had united Aleppo, Damascus and Egypt at least

could use resources from there

no longer sunni-shiah split

personal piety

Presented by Muslim scholars as a model Muslim and a champion of the faith

against franks

see other branch

refused to ally with them

had himself put on gold coins with the titles "The sultan of Islam"

victory at Hattin


war with nubian palace guard early on in reign

battle of Montisgard 1177

Reynald of Chatillon attacked Muslim caravans = could break truce

army trapped between Horns of Hattin

Raymond of Tripoli made 4 year truce until 1189 (his regency ended before this)

crusader leaders captured e.g. Guy

Most forces at hattin so no hope

loses acre in 1191

Richard's massacre causes Muslim outrage and makes Saladin look impotent

Fight for power

Actions against crusader states

Muslims didn't want to provoke crusade

peace remained until the 1210s

Military orders would flex but nothing would happen

feared capture of Constantinople would lead to further attacks on Muslim territory


When broken in 1204 both Al-adil and Aimery of Lusignan were quick to renew it

Saladin wanted Al-afdal to rule but his sons didn't like this

Sons took various parts of Saladin's land

Al-adil though Al-afdal was unfit and supported Al-aziz to be sultan in his place

Al-afdal in exile

Al-aziz died in 1098

Al-afdal invited to be sultan

besieged Damascus with az-Zahir

factionalism and Al-adil playing them off of eachother meant they lost

Al-afdal retreated to Cairo and sued for peace

had to give up Egypt

Al-adil now leader

Why no united Muslim response to crusader states

Muslim world before the crusades

Sunni shi'ah split

over who should be caliph after Muhammed died

Sunnis were Umayyad dynasty until 8th century but were overthrown by Abassids

centre of power was Baghdad

Shi'ahs were fatimids in egypt

caliph was head of politics

by crusades was no more than a figurehead and power was with vizier

Death of Malik Shah

power switched a lot

Malik Shah II only in power for a year in 1105 before deposed by Muhammad

Ahmed Sanhar controlled both Malik Shah II and Muhammad (1105-1118)

Fighting against each other


Battle of Kabhu river 1107

Muhammad allied with Ridwan of Aleppo against Kilij Arslan, sultan of Rum - Kilij Arslan was killed

Muhammed conquered an Ismaili fortress which made him an enemy of the assasins


Ahmed Sanjar rose up against Mahmud in 1119 and defeated him + married Mahmud to his daughter = in real control

In Egypt there was a schism between the Nizari and Mustaali factions

In egypt

factionalism during reign of Al-amir

Nizaris didn't like him b/c he was Mustaali = was murdered in 1130

1120s = uprisings in army in black african troops

Cousin of Al-amir succeeded him but wasn't recognised by Mustaalis

killed some that were plotting with Amalric against him

set fire to the families of the Nubians houses and when they went to save them he killed them

did grant them safe passage afterwords tho

Baldwin defeats him

Third crusade