It's Halloween and you have been chosen to decide for the group what to do

you decided to go trick-or-treating and its starting to get really late and really dark

stay with them and try to enjoy the rest of the night

tell them you want to go home and you'll see them tomorrow

as you're walking home you hear rustling in the bushes

you're walking with your friends and a strange man in dark clothes approaches you

ask him who he is and what he wants

turn the other way and try to loose him

walk into the bush to investigate

run as fast as you can

you decide to just and watch a scary movie

go home and watch a movie on netflix

go to the movies

you all arrive at your house and watch a movie of your friends choice, halfway through the power cuts

you get to the movies and have a great time on your way out there's a man who starts following all of you to the bus stop

ignore him and get on the bus

ask him what he wants

you decide to do scary prank calls on people

leave it off to make it more realistic

call people on 'no caller ID'

you start calling people and no ones suspecting that its a prank until one person who straight away catches on

everything's going well until you call a man who has a deep and farmiliar voice

hang up on him and stop calling people

ask him who he is

keep talking to him

hang up and stop calling people

about 20 minutes go by when you get a call from a man with a farmiliar voice

hang up straight away

ask him who he is

you talk to him for about 3 minutes before he finally says 'I know who you are'

ask him how he knows you

hang up on him

he replies with 'I cant tell you that'

tell him that you'll call the police if he doesn't tell you

ask him why he cant tell you

5 minutes go by and you get a call


answer it

light all the candles you can find for light and call your parents

use your phone lights and try to turn the lights back on

you're slowly walking when you hear a voice telling you to turn back before it gets you

you get home and walk up to the door and try to open it but find out that its been locked

he tells you he'll give you a clue and you have to keep it a secret

you disagree and hang up

you agree and tell him you won't tell anyone of you figure it out