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Dermatology (Diagnostic Tests (Cutaneous cytology (Adhesive tape : dry,…
Diagnostic Tests
skin scrapes, acetate tape preparations(stained & unstained), cutaneous cytology, trichogram, Wood's lamp examination, Dermatophytes medium fungal cultures, biopsy/cultures, therapeutic trials
Surface sampling
Coat brushing
sensitivity ~50%, specificity 100%
Pruritic, scaly animals - flea infestations, pediculosis(lice), Cheyletiellosis(walking dandruff)
Skin scraping
sensitivity ~50%, specificity 100%
multiple lesion!
Pruritic, scaly, alopecic animals : Sarcoptes scabiei, Cheyletiellosis, Trombicula, Otodectes cynotis, Notoedres cati, Demodex mites
Two types - superficial & deep
Unstained acetate tape impressions
Otic exam
Cutaneous cytology
Adhesive tape : dry, greasy, or scaly lesions
Impression smears : moist lesion, pustules, purulent exudates, or ulcers
Otic swabs : ear canals
FNA : solid lesions(lumps and swellings)
sensitivity & specificity : 80~100%
Staphylococcal pyoderma or bacterial dermatitis, Malassezia dermatitis, otitis externa, eosinophilic granuloma complex, deep fungal infection, pemphigus, epidermal mass or swelling
sensitivity 90~100%, specificity 50~90%
Patients w/ alopecia : Demodicosis, Pediculosis, Cheyletiellosis, Dermatophytosis, feline symmetrical alopecia, endocrine alopecia, color dilution alopecia, Trichorrhexia nodosa
Color dilution alopecia
melanin clumps(macromelanosome)
vary in size and shape and are dispered irregularly.
They don't change hair shaft anatomy.
Wood's lamp examination
low sensitivity(50%) ← 이걸로 진단되면 심한 것
Microsporum canis
Dermatophyte tested medium(DTM)
Dermatophytes는 단백질을 먼저 쓰고 alkaline 대사물 생성 → 배지가 yellow에서 red로 바뀜.
대부분의 다른 fungi는 탄수화물을 먼저 쓰고 나중에 단백질을 사용. 10~14일 또는 그이상 배양할 경우 red로 바뀜.
Dogs : fairly characteristic
Cats(patterns) - miliary dermatitis, symmetrical(self-induced) alopecia, head and neck pruritus, eosinophilic granuloma complex
Sarcoptid mites
Sarcoptes, Cheyletiella, Notoedres, Otodectes
nonseasonal, intensely pruritic, highly contagious
Clinical features
Sarcoptes scabiei infestation
alopecia and erythematous rash - pinnae, elbows, hocks, ventral abdomen, and chest
Lesion on ear margins : vary from barely perceptible scaling to alopecia or crusts; ear canals not affected
Chronic : periocular and truncal alopecia; secondary crusts, excoriations, and pyoderma; diffuse papular eruption
Possible peripheral lymphadenopathy
Pediculosis : infestation of lice
Positive pinnal-pedal reflex : occurs in 75~90% of cases of scabies, notoedres, and otodectes; not diagnostic
Superficial skin scraping : scabies and notoedres
Touch tape prep and "flea combing" : cheyletiella
Ear swab in mineral oil : otodectes
Fecal flotation : occasionally reveals mites or ova
Tx : Ivermectin, Milbemycin, Amitraz, Fipronil spray, lime sulfur, antihistamines or glucocorticoids
Allergic or Hypersensitivity
모든 개의 27% 정도가 영향받음.
type1 hypersensitivity - threshold를 넘어서면 발증
Environmental allergens : pollens, house dust mites, molds, etc
Terriers, Labs, Goldens, Shar-peis, Dalmatians, Bulldogs, Bichons, Pugs, German Shepherds
age of onset 1~3 years, < 6 months or > 7 years is uncommon
up to 80% initially seasonal, 80% eventually nonseasonal
no reported breed, age of onset variable
less common than in dogs
확진 방법 없음. 임상증상과 병소를 보고 판단
Distribution : face, ears, feet, axilla, groin, conjunctiva, flexor surface of limbs
Lesions : erythema, alopecia, excoriations, hyperpigmentation, lichenification, papules, pustules, crusts
Atopic dz
Majority of cases : self-trauma, diffuse erythema, erythema of the ear flap and vertical ear canal
Secondary changes : purulent otitis, proliferative otitis, pyoderma(usually folliculitis)
Chronic cases : Malassezia(greasy erythema), hyperpigmentation & lichenification, scaling
Consequences : pyoderma(68%), Malassezia dermatitis, otitis externa(up to 80%), seborrhea(12~23%), hotspots, acral lick granulomas
Distribution : head, neck, pinnae, ventrum, dorsum, perineum, caudal thighs
C/S : miliary dermatitis, ceruminous otitis externa, eosinophilic granuloma complex, symmetrical alopecia, pruritus, respiratory
Eosinophilic granuloma complex
Indolent ulcer(eosinophilic ulcer, rodent ulcer)
Eosinophilic plaques
Eosinophilic granuloma
history, signalment, PE
treat secondary infections
r/o flea allergy, parasites, food allergy, others(basic initial workups : cytology skin scraping and fungal culture)
Intradermal skin test(IDAT=IDST), Serum IgE tests(RAST, ELISA, liquid phase) ← 확진하는 검사법들x
Avoidance : cats, house dust, molds, pollens
Antihistamines : 개체별 반응 다양. well tolerated. 장기 치료에 사용 가능
Essential fatty acid(EFA) supplements : arachidonic acid를 대사하는 효소에 대해 경쟁. 피부용 사료에 많이 포함됨.
Topical therapy
Main effects : anti-pruritic, anti-bacterial, anti-seborrhoeic, anti-Malassezia, anti-inflammatory, epidermal barrier
Antipruritic agents
use as little as possible, use oral only and long term, use alternate day protocol
Long term effects include sepsis, 2nd infections, thromboembolic dz, diabetes, hepatic failure, iatrogenic Cushing, etc.
atopy에 효과 좋음.
only specific treatment for allergies
involving many adjustments and much client communication
Cyclosporine A
T-cell proliferation과 cytokine 생산 억제
should not administer within 2h of a meal
Side effects : vomiting(31%), diarrhea(20%), skin infections(29%), gingival hyperplasia and gingivitis
Apoquel - JAK1 or JAK3 inhibitor
Infection or Inflammation
Bacterial infections
bacterial folliculitis, pyoderma
Primary reasons that cutaneous bacterial infections are more common in dogs.
thin compact stratum corneum
relatively high cutaneous pH(basic, 7.5)
Three main types
Surface(epithelium) : acute moist dermatitis(hot spot), skin fold pyoderma(intertrigo)
Superficial pyoderma(epidermis & follicles) : impetigo(puppy pyoderma), mucocutaneous pyoderma, superficial folliculitis
Deep pyoderma(ruptured follicle, dermis & subQ) : muzzle folliculitis & furunculosis, bacterial granuloma(acral lick dermatitis), nasal & pedal pyoderma, pressure point pyoderma, pyotraumatic folliculitis & furunculosis
Tx : 항생제, benzoyl peroxide or chlorhexidine shampoo; MRSA 주의
Predisposing factors
systemic immune incompetence(metabolic dz)
trauma(pressure, licking, scratching, parasites, etc.)
follicular damage(demodex mites, scratching, etc.)
dermal damage(collagen disruption, extension of dz, etc.)
physical factors(poor grooming, laceration of the skin, heat, humidity, etc.)
inappropriate antibacterial therapy : too short a course, poor drug choice, inappropriate dose
Cutaneous lymphoma : generalized alopecia, multiple ulcers/plaques
Cutaneous epitheliotropic T-cell lymphoma(CETL) or Mycosis fungoides
*Itching is a PAIN.
*다른 hypersensitivity : flea bite, contact, food allergy, asthma
*Impetigo : a bacterial dz that is invariably caused by coagulase-positive Staphylococci. It affects young dogs before or at the time of puberty. It is not contagious.
*곰팡이 감염 시 ulcerative lesions 많이 보임.