2. Blending. New words can also be formed from existing ones by various blending processes: for example, motel (from motor hotel), infomercial (from information and commercial), edutainment (from education and entertainment), brunch (from breakfast and lunch), cafetorium (from cafeteria and auditorium), netiquette (from network etiquette), trashware (from trash and software), and bit (from binary and digit). Creation of a new word can be done by analogue to the patters already existing in a language: yettie (from young entrepreneurial technocrat on the pattern of yuppie - young urban professional) – 'a young person who earns money from a business or activity that involves the Internet'. By analogue to e-mail - e-business, e-marketplace, e-book, e-fit, e-therapy, e-tailer etc. where the e-component denotes the connection of the notion to Internet.